Nightmare Spill. AKA Beanbag Chair Guts

Nightmare’ plastic pellet spill. Brittany, France beaches polluted by waves of beads believed to be from shipping containers lost in Atlantic.

Read the article HERE

See the picture above. When I was a teen in the ’80s, my friends had a beanbag chair break. The styrofoam pellets inside were practically impossible to clean up. Static electricity made them jump away from the broom on a tile floor. Imagine trying to clean a shipping container full and clean them was by hand, one by one. That’s what they’re doing in France and Spain. It’s impossible to do.

In my personal experience from decades past, these pellets are possibly one of humankinds worst creations.

France is taking legal action, but what good will it really do? Plastic pollution is harming sea life and this will affect us all. Humans need to stop manufacturing these pellets and all non biodegradable packing materials. Even the large styrofoam peanuts are difficult to deal with.

I don’t know how to end this post. I remember the strange qualities of the pellets, trying to clean up after that burst chair. I can’t fathom a container full.

A person is smart. People are stupid.

Viruslike Adverts

its a not-so-new thing with a lot of apps, like YouTube, to employ qualities of malware and viruses from the past. I’m talking about full screen pop up ads that capture the devices full screen, covering the back button and home buttons in an attempt to force one to watch an ad or other content .

its an ever- increasing feature of more and more apps, like YouTube.

i have an app killer, and adverts like this usually end my use of the app, a lifelong boycott of the advertiser and either a different app that does the same thing, or an older version of the same app, and then make sure the auto update turned off.

A lot of the time, the ad lasts longer than the reason I was checking the app for in the first place.

There’s only two things I don’t like, the way things are, and change! Have a great day!

Monday Movie Review: No Escape (2015)

Last night we watched a movie called No Escape (2015). I put the year in because there are several movies entitled “No Escape”


US companies go into poor countries and get them a loan for a service they cannot afford, like roads or in this case, water treatment facilities. When the counrty cannot repay the loan, the company and/or the US government basically gets to strip the country of it’s resources in the name of collecting on the debt.

This movie is about an fictional country that revolted because their government drove them into a unpayable debt and economic crisis that basically goes on for lifetimes.

In the movie, a family arrives to live while the husband works as an engineer at aforementioned water treatment plant.

The day after they arrive, the revolt starts, and the government is overthrown, and the rebels start killing all foriegners. The story is about their escape from the country.

It was a very intense, bloody movie. Four stars on Netflix, but absolutely terrible “official” reviews on the web.

To me, the movie reflected a lot about what is going on in the world today, with the debt all over, and the rebellion culd be the only way to escape such a problem. After all, corrupt politicians betraying their countries and citizens for self profit is a big problem in the world today. isn’t it?

Definitely worth watching. Definitely.

One Day & A Wakeup! Plus A Long Ramble

Tomorrow we go to Mexico! I don’t even know why I’m even bothering going to work today!

It was  a 50/50 weekend.

We didn’t go to a wedding on Saturday, we’re going to a wedding in Mexico.

The wife worked Sunday, she came home with sandwiches, she accidently gave me the wrong sandwich, I ate it. She got super super mad at me for not noticing. I was watching American football, not paying attention along those lines, her sandwich was completely different than mine. I should have noticed. One time at Subway, I ordered a chicken sandwich. I ate it and it was excellent. After that, the worker came up and asked me if my sandwich had chicken on it. I said I don’t know, but it was excellent. They found a piece of chicken in the  microwave and figured it was supposed to go in my sandwich. I thought and thought, but couldn’t remember if there was chicken in my sandwich or not. But I remember it was good. the other day we went to a restaurant, I ordered a beef sandwich. I was terrible. Tasted like charcoal, literally. The manager came over when I was almost done, and asked how everything was, I said terrible, tastes like charcoal. She gave me a weird look, ’cause I was woofin’ it down. I said “Hey, you asked”. I have these two teeth that gets food stuck between them. When I got home and jammed a toohpick between those teeth and got out the hunk of meat from that sandwich I could taste it again. It was terrible tasting.  Charcoal. I don’t care about food. Eating and sleeping are wastes of time, and if I didn’t have to do them, I wouldn’t.

Football-wise his weekend was opposite of last weekend. Almost all my teams lost. And the Redskins got hammered like they hammered last week.

Did you ever see the movie “The Matrix”? Where the cat walks by twice and Neo says “Whoa, deja vu”? It’s hapening to me, our cat, Ashy, keeps walking by. She’s doing laps, in the laundry door, through the kitchen, out the dining room door to the back porch and under my table. Again and again, like the Matrix movie.

Let me out of here, I gotta go to work.

Have a good week, I might not post tomorrow, I’ll be going to the airport.

I Now Believe Global Warming Is Real


When we were at (and on) the Athabasca Glacier, there were photos that showed the glacier receding over the years. My brother in law in Drake Bay, Costa Rica, last night was telling my wife about his colleague/associate/acquaintance has been measuring the decline in the numbers of frogs and snakes in the rainforests. When I got certified to scuba dive in 1981, we’d see sharks on practically every other dive, often groups of sharks. Now, seeing a shark is rare, one in ten or more dives.

Glacial decline has been measured since the 1850’s, (according to an article on Wikipedia), so I’m not sure it’s all humans fault, but I think humans main power is destructive and we need to change. I remember a book I read years ago, “Mutant Message Down Under”, and ask, Which society is more advanced? One that lives in a place 10,000 years, and you can’t even tell they were ever there? Or a society that practically destroys it’s environment with pollution and war in 250 years?

I think the answer is obvious.

Today is my first day back at work since my vacation. blah. Why do I have to go work to get money to buy a fish for dinner when I could just go out and get the fish myself. Because I also have to pay for my house and the bills. The whole system of money has something inherently wrong with it.

Best Thing Since Sliced Bread


Years ago, I bought a pack of these because my dentist recommended it. They sat in the medicine cabinet, unused, till recently. A few months ago, I started using them. I was surprised, they are great! First few times I used them, grossly disgusting, I got what I call quite a bit of crud (not much) that brushing and flossing missed. And  a rotten smell from what I’m guessing was unchartered territory.

Now I’m hooked. I used all the first pack, and got two more, one for home and one for work.

The package comes with a plastic case, and about twice many brushes as will fit in the case. Not sure what that is all about. Also there’s different varieties, most have big old handles with 4 or 5 to  a pack and are expensive. Screw that, use these cheap ones and throw them away when done.

And that’s my Friday post. I was going to post about the Russian position on Ukraine, and how the media won’t give both sides of the story, but I’ll save that for another day.

Have a great weekend! I’m going to rent a jackhammer and dig some holes in our bedrock yard for some trees! We have an avocado and a triple breadfruit tree in  pots that are becoming too small.

We Must Unite, And Boycott Toilet Paper!

The US Governments exposure for illegally collecting information is a decoy ploy so citizens worldwide don’t notice another heinous dastardly deed taking place.

A couple years ago, maybe three or four, I noticed a new advert on the rolls of toilet paper. “Big Roll” or “Mega Roll”. Here you see “Ultra Roll”.


All my life, a roll of toilet paper has been big enough to fit between the roller on the toilet paper holder, so when I saw these declarations, I thought they had found a way to fit more sheets per roll, or were cutting the little squares a little smaller, because the rolls were the same size as always. And I though it was odd that there was no “normal size” roll.

The other day, for the first time since the Ultra, Mega and Giant labels appeared, The Wife came home with “Normal” size roll. It’s half a frikkin roll of toilet paper!

Now, it becomes clear that the Ultra Mega Giant was a ploy to make us think that since the beginning of toilet paper history, we’ve been getting a roll and a half on each roll and now, the toilet paper companies are setting things straight. That’s what the TP companies would like us to believe.

It’s a ripoff, and we must fight back by boycotting Toilet Paper! I know that isn’t possible, but at least boycott the companies that are involved in this horrendous vile scheme.

Seriously, think about it. Toilet paper companies can charge whatever they want, because TP is a necessary product that you can’t live without. And seriously, one company at least has halved the size of the product, doubling the cost without a price increase. And if one company gets away with it, soon all the other companies will follow suit.

I predict that this will be a case where the people will be sheep and pay whatever the cost, complaining all the time. I can’t do anything by myself, but I will never again by the product pictured above, who I think is starting this ripoff.