Flashback Friday, Favorite Posts

I was looking through this blog and took screenshots of a couple of my favorite posts. I haven’t done a Flashback Friday in a long time.

I like this post. Sheba’s ears don’t really do that anymore, and she’s getting to be an old puppy!
I rememner when David Poyer sent me that picture. My brain.. click click click.. That book is on the ISS… click click click… My name is in that book… click click click.. MY NAME IS ON THE ISS! IN SPACE!!!
This post lost its image, but still one of my favorites.

Happy FRIDAY! Have a great weekend!

Felt Like Rain

Monday, the weather said rain on Tuesday. Tuesday, he said sunny Tuesday, rainy Wednesday. Wednesday, the weatherman said sunny Wednesday rainy Thursday.

I didn’t believe him yesterday, I believed him all the other days, but yesterday morning “Felt Like Rain”. And, for the first time in a while, I took the van instead of the scooter. And it rained. Today is 100% cloudy too.

Cloudy day selfie.

I didn’t post yesterday, but the Mars Lander landed safely. Tomorrow is Friday.

Havva guddun!

InSight Lander Lands on Mars

Read the article HERE.

Yesterday NASA’s InSight Lander landed on Mars. One step closer to putting Humans on Mars. The technology used to land yesterday, I think, is similar to what would be used for human travelers. In the past, the lander was kinda inside a beach ball, and they hoped it didn’t break when it crashed into the surface.

Tuesday here, almost the end of November. 2018 (I almost typed 1998) is going by fast. I’m kinda wanting time to go faster, I’m ready for my vacation time in December. I’m staying here, my favorite place to be!

Have a great day!

Shotgun Sheba & Ashy The Ripper

Had a good weekend, seems like it was very long.

Saturday I trimmed the hedges, Wife said I took too much off. I told her I rekkon they’ll grow back. I also made a huge harvest of coconuts. 

Shotgun Sheba

After that, I made a cigar run, and took Sheba, front seat, seatbelt, Shotgun Sheba.

Saturday night we went to a belated American Thanksgiving dinner, it was quite good. Very good, as a matter-of-fact.

I kinda sensed that Ashy wanted a new nickname too, so I dubbed her “Ashy the Ripper. 

Touch the paw, lose the hand.  Ashy The Ripper.

Sunday I mowed the yard, sprayed the weeds with weed killer and cleared some bush from the vacant lot next door, which grows tall lanky weed trees that steal our sunshine. Alos I got a pitcher of coconut water out of aforementioned coconuts. When it’s empty (its half way there now) I’ll refill it from more coconuts.

Now it’s Monday. It’s snowing where I used to live, Moberly, Missouri. Yesterday and today I’ve been thinking I’d like to go sledding. In fact, I think I dreamed about it last night. But I won’t, I’m going snorkeling at lunchtime!

Have a great week!

Find The Man Friday.

Dog n bone.

Can you find the mans face in this picture? See  the answer HERE.

Happy FRIDAY! Yeah! Payday! YEAH! (We only get paid once a month). Plus my Christmas Savings Plan money got deposited! Yeah! Plus a pay raise YEAH!!! Plus pay raise back pay from July! YEAH BABY! I’ll be broke before December, but maybe I’ll get some projects done around here.

Yesterday was American Thanksgiving, normal workday here, but the wife and I had some turkey and fixin’s, from a to-go restaurant. Saturday night we’re going for a turkey dinner at some friends.

Redskins got beat by Dallas yesterday. I guess the season’s over for them. They’re tied for first place in the division, but their injuries mean that they probably won’t do too well the rest of the season. 

I’m glad it’s Friday just because it’s FRIDAY!!!

Have a great weekend!

Hats Off For Pat Travers!

Pat Travers

The other day, I was listening to music in my van. My radio antenna is broken, so all my music in the van comes from a USB drive. Pat Travers came on. Pat Travers has a lot of albums on my USB drive. I tell you, he rocks. Every song is a serious rocker. And he’s been doing it forever! Here’s a list of his albums:

All good, hard rockin’ albums

I saw the Pat Travers Band with a friend of mine, Raymond Victor Smith, (doubt he’ll ever read this) at the Capital Center many years ago. (1977?) Pat Travers was opening for Bob Seger, who was on tour for his famous Silver Bullet album. Ray and I were driving around one night, nothing to do, and we decided to see if we could get tickets. We drove to the concert and got some nosebleed seats, all that was left. Pat Travers blew Bob Seger away! My friend and I were jumping around, jammin’ to the music, while everyone else was pretty much just sitting there, waiting for Bob Seger. I particularly remember “Gettin’ Betta”, incredible! (That’s the song in the video above).

When Bob Seger came on, everyone else was jumping around, and Ray and I were pretty much sitting there. I turned to Ray and said, “If the next song sucks, let’s leave.” The next song was some mellow ballad, and we left. The concourse was totally empty, everyone was inside. The parking lot had not a soul in it.  Only concert ever where I got up and walked out before the show was over. (Bob Seger sucks)

Pat Travers is one of the worlds greatest, most underrated, rockers, good times or bad, recording contract or not, he keeps making music. And it’s good, rockin’ music, not like a lot of bands who get famous for one rockin’ song, but the rest of the album sucks. Or bands that are around for a few years and fade out or disappear completely, like, for example, Bob Seger.

So if you’re looking for some new music, of if you think Rock ‘N’ Roll is dead or dying, check out some Pat Travers! You’ll be glad you did! Also, look at his personal website! He is still active all the time, after more than 40 years of nonstop rockin! You can almost always see him in concert somewhere!

Have a great Thanksgiving Thursday!

Monday Night Football on Tuesday.

Woke up yesterday, saw the score of the MNF Kansas City at LA Rams. 51-54. I thought, “dang, that must have been a very good game.

Since I have NFL Game Pass, I decided to watch it last night. I thought “Dang, that was a very good game.” It was like a good movie that you could watch over and over. In fact, I probably will watch it again.

Of course, it would have been even better if the Chiefs won!

Redskins & Chiefs, my two teams.

Have a Happy Hump Day!

Happy Birthday ISS!

The first chunk of the International Space Station was launched 20 years ago today.

(19 Feb. 2010) — Backdropped by EarthÕs horizon and the blackness of space, the International Space Station is featured in this image photographed by an STS-130 crew member on space shuttle Endeavour after the station and shuttle began their post-undocking relative separation. Undocking of the two spacecraft occurred at 7:54 p.m. (EST) on Feb. 19, 2010.

20 years sounds like a lot, but to me, starting the ISS seems like not that long ago. I’m wondering what the 20-and-unders think of the Space Station? As a kid, the concept of “Before I was born” was incomprehensible. Even now, it’s still difficult to grasp.

In my head, the way I see it, the concept of “before I was born” used to trigger a “CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD = REJECT” response, almost like an automatic brain function. Then I’d quit trying to grasp the concept.  Nowadays, it’s still hard to comprehend, but I try, I think. I wonder what that is? Perhaps it’s similar to saying something like, “After you were dead, I went to the grocery store”.

That’s your mind bender for today. Havva good day!

Washington Redskins Broken Leg Day

Yesterday, November 18th, 2018 Washington Redskins Quarterback Alex Smith broke his leg.

Exactly 33 years prior, November 18, 1985, Joe Theismann broke his leg, in an injury that ended his career as a QB. I remember seeing it, it was horrorific.

It was a bad day for my team, The Washington Redskins. They lost too, but barely. I think Alex Smith will be back next year. At first they thouht it was an ankle injury.

I think the Redskins backup quarterback, Colt McCoy, is a durn good QB though.

Bah, it’s Monday. Thankfully, I have, again, acheived the perfect cuppa coffee! Have a great week!


Got up this morning, walked the dog, got ready for work. Instead of posting, I got on Facebook. This is what I saw.

Giant Stingray Skeleton.
Good Advertising
Florida, a Joke
Tube Dude
Stoned Santa.
The Song Of The Cat!

Have a great weekend!!