Today’s the Day!

Today is the day of the big wedding!

I don’t think we have any plans, other than wait till the wedding at 4 PM. I’m going to practice my speech with The Wife a little today.

Yesterday was good in Playa del Carmen. The girls went shopping and I got some beach time in.
Playa beach.

Travlin’ Tim and the ferries to Cozumel (Cozumel on the horizon)
Tomorrow’s our last day, Tuesday we head home!

Tulum Yesterday, Akumal Today!

Yesterday in Tulum was very nice.
We saw old friends. We were here for my 50th birthday a long, long time ago, plus MMS wife used to live here.



Last night the wedding party had a “bachelor/bachelorette” party in Playa del Carmen. The boys started at the north end of 5th Ave and the girls at the south. We hit bars till we met near the middle and went to a big disco. It was wild.



Three storys tall, not counting the ground floor.

Today the wife and I are going to Akumal. I’m looking forward to today. There is a webcam on Akumal beach i want a screengrab of me on that webcam. Gonna try to get it today.

Sunny Today

It’s 6:38 and we’re off to Tulum. That’s where we stayed last time we were here.
I’m very excited!
It’s been mostly cloudy since we’ve been here. Hopefully that will change and we’ll get some beach time in!


Pool view from our balcony

Last night we went out and the wife did some drinking and dancing. She’s having a little trouble with her tummy today.

On Our Way!

Woke up at 3:30 AM and I’m ready to go to Mexico! The wife is getting ready.

Got my new glasses yesterday.


The bifocals are weird, maybe I just have to get used to them. The lenses turn dark in the sun, but not nearly dark enough. I was going for a Boris The Animal look but ended up with a Harry  Potter.



Oh well, Gotta go!

One Day & A Wakeup! Plus A Long Ramble

Tomorrow we go to Mexico! I don’t even know why I’m even bothering going to work today!

It was  a 50/50 weekend.

We didn’t go to a wedding on Saturday, we’re going to a wedding in Mexico.

The wife worked Sunday, she came home with sandwiches, she accidently gave me the wrong sandwich, I ate it. She got super super mad at me for not noticing. I was watching American football, not paying attention along those lines, her sandwich was completely different than mine. I should have noticed. One time at Subway, I ordered a chicken sandwich. I ate it and it was excellent. After that, the worker came up and asked me if my sandwich had chicken on it. I said I don’t know, but it was excellent. They found a piece of chicken in the  microwave and figured it was supposed to go in my sandwich. I thought and thought, but couldn’t remember if there was chicken in my sandwich or not. But I remember it was good. the other day we went to a restaurant, I ordered a beef sandwich. I was terrible. Tasted like charcoal, literally. The manager came over when I was almost done, and asked how everything was, I said terrible, tastes like charcoal. She gave me a weird look, ’cause I was woofin’ it down. I said “Hey, you asked”. I have these two teeth that gets food stuck between them. When I got home and jammed a toohpick between those teeth and got out the hunk of meat from that sandwich I could taste it again. It was terrible tasting.  Charcoal. I don’t care about food. Eating and sleeping are wastes of time, and if I didn’t have to do them, I wouldn’t.

Football-wise his weekend was opposite of last weekend. Almost all my teams lost. And the Redskins got hammered like they hammered last week.

Did you ever see the movie “The Matrix”? Where the cat walks by twice and Neo says “Whoa, deja vu”? It’s hapening to me, our cat, Ashy, keeps walking by. She’s doing laps, in the laundry door, through the kitchen, out the dining room door to the back porch and under my table. Again and again, like the Matrix movie.

Let me out of here, I gotta go to work.

Have a good week, I might not post tomorrow, I’ll be going to the airport.

When It’s Friday

I can’t think of anything else to talk about. I work today, then Monday, then we’re off to MEXICO!
Hopefully I’ll get the prescription lenses for my new glasses today, then I’ll look like Morphus….


except uglier

I’m just really excited about the weekend, and Mexico!


Movie: Spectre


My advice is wait until you can rent it.

First time i my life I was nodding off at any movie ever.

My favorite scene was the car chase scene.

Least favorite part, I don’t know, but they were on this train seems like forever.

It wasn’t bad, just nothing special that required the big screen. Less than average action for a 007 movie and it was very long too. We didn’t get home till 11:30 and now I’m dragging.

Have a goood day!