Rain Today!

I wasn’t planning on it, but it’s raining today. We need the rain, butmy van also needs new license plates. My temporaries expire while we will be in CanadaYesterday, I took the plates off to carry to work (on my scooter) so I can get new ones. This morning, I had to put them back on because I am driving the van, not the scooter.

I did make it out for my walk/run/swim this morning. Our house sitter, Arturo, came with me. It was nice to have company.

Now I’m at work….

Have a great day!

House Sitters Arrive!

Our house sitters have arrived, they seem quite nice. I like them, and most importantly, Sheba likes them.

So things are shaping up, what started out as a terrible week is turning into a pretty nice one.

My wife’s on vacation already, she’s off work except she has to pop in for an hour or so, once this week. Me, I’m at work till Friday.

I heard it’s cold in Canada already!

I’m at work already, usually I post from home, but today I had company, plus my Mom called.

Have a great day!

Power Bill Increase!

Our power company, CUC, got permission to implement a 1% price increase. SInce then, our electric bill has gone from about $90 a month to about $270 a month. That’s a big 1%

Our house guests / house sitters arrive today, looking forward to meeting them!

Attitude Adjustment Needed.

This Saturday we go on vacation. Tuesday this week our house/dog sitters arrive. Today is my last normal day for almost three weeks. From Tuesday (tomorrow) , it will be crowded with rapidfire Spanish speakers, and I’ll be the outside man.

I have to pack for our trip to Canada this week, too

I’m in an awesome mood….

That being said, I did have a good run/swim/walk this morning.

Flashback Friday: USS Somers Friends

Here’s a picture of me and two of my friends from my first ship in the Navy. Me on the left, Jeff in the center and Scott on the right. This pic is from pbou 1982 or 83.

I do not recall ever having or wearing white pants and shirt…

Have a great weekend!


Yesterday, my bluetooth keyboard was dead and I was unable to post. I got ‘er going this morning! That doesn’t mean I have anything to post about though.

Yesterday we picked a fruit off our tree, a Sweetsop.

They’re supposed to taste sweet and creamy, but this one is so hard, I’m going to let it sit a few days. There’s several more on the tree, which was totally leafless and dry and I thought it as dead a few months ago.

Yesterday it rained in town practically all day, It was raining all down 7 Mile Beach. Coming home, it was rainy and slippery untill I got a quarter mile from the house. The roads dried up, and it turns out that we didn’t get a drop of rain. We need rain! It rains all over the island except at our house, I kid you not!

Have a great day!!!

My Garmin is Back

Got my fitness tracker back yesterday. I tracked my running and swimming and walking this morning.

I guess that today everyone’ll be posting about the eclipse. Here it was cloudy, couldn’t see nuttin’.

The weather is supposed to be clearing up, but still looks pretty rain-cloudy. Might end up taking the van instead of the scooter today…

Such a boring blog…

The Prisoner

My Scooter is a prisoner now. Triple locked, she can’t move. These are the extreme measures I take after getting it back from the shop last week.

It’s a rainy Monday. What’s left of Tropical Storm Harvey is passing to our south. I hear quite bit of thunder as I type this. Today is the big famous eclipse. I hink about half the sun gets covered here. But it’s cloudy… We’ll see.

Two weeks from now, we’ll be in Canada.

Have a great day!

Morning Laugh + Pinterest

I saw this on Pinterest and thought it was funny, in fact, it actually made me laugh.

I never really understand what Pinterest was for. I get notifications about pins, and I open the app, and see random pictures.

I have the app installed right now. Over the years, I’ve installed it, couldn’t see the point, uninstalled it, keep getting the emails, re-install just to re-check, still not seeing the point, uninstall, over and over. But the emails never stop.

Tell me what Pinterest is for???!!!


I got my scooter back from the repair shop yesterday. They tried to charge me too much, $1300 when the quote said I still owed less than $400. The total estimate was $750, I paid half when I dropped it off. Came to pick it up, expecting to pay the other half and was presented with a bill for $1300. I paid only the other half of the $750, but I was in there a couple hours.

Money is tight right now, wife’s buying a new car, Canada trip in a couple weeks, scooter bill.

This too shall pass.

And the weekend is almost here!