Super Nice Weekend

I didn’t make it to the dog walk. Daisy is still in pain from her hips and i had visitors..

A foid friend from. Jamaica was here and we went to a 7AM yoga class, followed by breakfast and meeting her friends on the beach. Then burgers on the grill and that was the end of an extremely nice, relaxing day with LOTS of coffee!

And now it’s back to work on ANOTHER Monday!

Have a wonderful week!

Standard Weekend

It was a good weekend. Friday I was off work. I helped our Rabbi build a Sukkah for Sukkot. Saturday was my third of four Home Gardening Course sessions and Sunday I had friends and their puppy over for dawgie play day and burgers on the grill. My house is nice and clean right now. A true rarity.

All of a sudden, some of the girls at the yoga place want to hook me up with their single friends. This is exciting but also makes me a little nervous. On one hand, I’d feel better finding my own girl, on the other they might do better than I would. Also I ask myself if I’m ready. I guess I’m ready to start at the beginning, not jump in the deep end.

Anyway, most of the things I worry about never happen, so ..

Have a good week!

Really Good Weekend!

It was a really good weekend. I got the front yard mowed in between downpours, I fixed a silly mistake I made on one of the anti chicken lids on the planters. I re-did the tripod that is helping the Otaheite apple tree stand up straight (I think it’s slowly falling over since it fell in Hurricane Grace and I stood it back up). I cleaned the floors in the whole house. I dissected a cherry tomato and planted the seeds. (We’ll see how many come up.) And I went to a “Sashing” for the Cayman Islands Miss Universe contestants. It was super fun!

Lisa is sponsored by One Heart, and she works there. I was invited to attend by the owner. I was so happy to be there!

Sunday morning I slept 90 minutes later than usual, which is huge for me. I barely stayed up past my normal bedtime. I got up at 6:30! Can you believe it!?

And now it’s a back to work Monday. Weather’s supposed to improve. I can mow the back yard this week!

Have a great week!

Mission Failed

All i planned on doing this weekend was cleaning the house. I failed gloriously. Saturday I went to breakfast with friends, then lunch with a different group of friends, then saw the Batabanu Carnival Parade.

Sunday I went diving then went to a yoga class, and then mowed the yard . Below are some underwater pictures from yesterday.

And now it’s back to work on a Monday and I don’t mind going.

Have a great week like I’m going to have!

5K Walk For Recovery


It was a nice weekend. Friday was “Eat Poorly” day. I had dinner at Burger King and paid for it later. I felt bad all night and most of the day Saturday.

Saturday morning I went scuba diving with some friends and still have the pictures to be sorted. That’s why there’s no underwater pictures here today. Sunday was a 5K walk/run. It was related to this month being recovery month in the Cayman Islands. Afterwards a group of us went out for coffee.

Sunday afternoon I was invited to a small party at Smiths Cove and I went to that and it was quite nice.

It was a good weekend, it seemed like a long weekend, and it was a good break before going back to work today.

Have a great week!

Not the best holiday

Back to work today after 10 days off, 4 vacation days, 2 holiday days and 4 weekend days. These last few days have been pretty poor.

Flew my first two flights on a Boeing Max 8. Didn’t crash.

Went to my friends funeral Saturday.

I did, after the funeral, have a very nice lunch at a very nice hotel.


Not the best of times for me, but you have a good week!

Indecision & Bad News

Not sure if I should go to my friends funeral. It’s on Cayman Brac, about a 80 mile airplane ride.

I guess I’ll probably go. “Always go to your friends’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours”, right? But I’m still not sure.

In other news, today is my last day of four vacation days. It was nice and relaxing but I didn’t get as much done around the house as I wanted. I didn’t dive because of the wind, and now it’s nice again. (another reason not to get on an airplane.)

In other news, Prince Phillip died this morning.

Long live the Queen!

A Week Ago

It was my first day back at work after vacation. Seems like a lot longer than that.

Tomorrow is a big exercise at work. I’ve been getting our department ready. I have a lot to do today as well.

Tomorrow, my friends from the USA leave. Wish I was spending more time with them.

Ba humbug, that’s how I feel this morning.

Tuesdays Dinner Party



Last night we had a small cookout for my wifes best friends dads birthday. I cooked a whole tenderloin, AKA a 7 pound filet mignon, on the barbecue.

I gotta say, it came out beautifully. First i put the potatoes on high for a while. Then I put the meat on, still on high, for 5 minutes. Then I turned it over for 5 minutes. Then i put the grill on low and turned it over every 15 minutes for about an hour and fifteen.

Before I started, I was stressed about screwing it up, but after a while, I started to get the good feeling. Then I was worried about the potatoes. They were good too.

I’m pretty sure everyone got enough to eat.

Now it’s hump day. I’m riding the scooter, first time in weeks!

Have a great day!