We're In The Goldilocks zone

I thought this was an interesting article. I shortened it up for you to read below.

By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer – Wed Sep 29, 7:19 pm ET

Astronomers say they have for the first time spotted a planet beyond our own in what is called the Goldilocks zone for life: Not too hot, not too cold. Just right.

“This is the first one I’m truly excited about,” said Penn State University’s Jim Kasting. He said this planet is a “pretty prime candidate” for harboring life.

But there are still many unanswered questions about this strange planet. It’s so close to its version of the sun that it orbits every 37 days. And it doesn’t rotate much, so one side is almost always bright, the other dark.

Temperatures can be as hot as 160 degrees or as frigid as 25 degrees below zero, but in between — in the land of constant sunrise — it would be “shirt-sleeve weather”.

Co-discoverer Steven Vogt, of the University of California at Santa Cruz, believes “that chances for life on this planet are 100 percent.”

The star, Gliese 581, can’t be seen without a telescope from Earth, Vogt said. But if you were standing on this new planet, you could easily see our sun.

The low-energy dwarf star will live on for billions of years, much longer than our sun, he said. And that just increases the likelihood of life developing on the planet, the discoverers said.

“It’s pretty hard to stop life once you give it the right conditions,” Vogt said.

Grounded due to weather

I kind of blew off posting yesterday. It was raining. It’s still raining, but that excuse is taken.

Really, there is just not much to post about. Woke up this morning, VERY stiff and sore. Took a shower, walked the dogs. Getting ready for my first sip of (Costa Rican) Coffee. . . .

Ahhhhh, very good coffee today, could be just a little better. . . but good.

Yesterday I saw a ship going by our house. I like it when I see ships at sea from the house.

Maximum zoom. (Click to enlarge)
Zoom in on a zoom. The ship is actually below the horizon.
(Click to enlarge).

The Chilean Miners are being trained for their escape, you can read about that here.

The grass in the yard is tall. It needs mowing. It hasn’t stopped raining. What do people do if they live somewhere it rains so much they can never mow their yard?

I’m not going to talk about my work situation.

That’s all for now. Over and out


Yesterday was very windy, and there were passing rainstorms. Today seems cooler and less breezy so far.
I’m drinking Costa Rican coffee in a Costa Rica cup, the only thing that could have made it better is if an actual Costa Rican had made the coffee, but she’s still sleeping.
Last night I turned the alarm off and slept all the way to 6:15 this morning, about.
Next weekend we’re going to Cayman Brac for the weekend.
I need to mow the yard. Not gonna happen-today.

I'm up

It was hard to get up this morning. The alarm is set for 4:44 AM, and I get up to study. I haven’t started studying yet though. I’m having a hard time getting ready.
The windows are closed and the AC is on. I went outside and saw a moonset. You see the sunset all the time, but you hardly ever see the moon set. You actually couldn’t see it hit the water, but the light under the clouds was pretty cool.
Yesterday after the wife got home from work we went to Cobalt Coast, she went in the pool and I went in the sea, I took some pics.
Squirrel Fish
Sunset from the water
Sea Fan closeup

Lynyrd Skynyrd teacher who inspired name dies

I always knew that the band Lynyrd Skynyrd named their band after their high school gym teacher, Leonard Skinner, because they hated his guts. They later befriended him. Coach Skinner was 77.

Coach Skinner was known for zero-tolerance approach to long hair on pupils, including founding members of a rock band. One of the band members, believed to be Gary Rossington, was so irked by the suspension notices he received from the headteacher that he returned with his father, who protested that his son needed to have long hair so that he could support the family with his band earnings. The headteacher was unmoved, suggesting that the youngster get a crew cut and a wig instead..

I remember when Lynyrd Skynyrd was in the plane crash in 1977. My Mom told me about it. I think it was the only music at that time that I liked and that she liked too.

There’s an article about Mr Skinner here.

Chilean Miners Trapped since Aug 5

I think about this every day.

Imagine what it would be like.

Right now there are two drills trying to reach the miners, Called Plan A and Plan B. The plan B drill already reached them, with a 12 inch hole. This needs to be widened to at least 28 inches to get the miners out.

Both these drills can drill about 30 to 40 meters a day. The miners are trapped at about 630 meters, over 2000 feet.

Now, they’ve started drilling with a drill used for oil well drilling, which surprisingly, they’ve named Plan C. This drill could drill 1000 meters a day, but the problem with this drill is accuracy, it’s a lot easier to hit a giant pocket of oil than it is to hit a 4 meter wide mine shaft. And the material in Chile is harder to drill though.

The Plan C Drill
It will be a great day when they bring those miners out alive and OK. Hope nothing goes wrong.
The 33 Trapped Miners