It was, overall, a good weekend. Went to the beach, got a lot of rest, went out to nice restaurants and had some nice meals. Got attacked by dogs…
Since I got my Fitbit, I’ve been doing a lot more walking and running.
Yesterday, (Monday the Easter holiday) I went for a walk from Cobalt Coast Resort west towards some apartments I lived in years ago. On my waay west, I passed a group of quite aggressive dogs. I walked by, mostly by ignoring them just keeping moving. One large dog, a black mastiff looking big dog came closest and butted my leg with his nose.
So I got by the dogs unscathed, and continued down the ironshore (jagged rock beach) to the sandy beach. I hung out for a while, picking up a few shells and poing around. I had pretty much decided to take the long way home, to avoid walking past the dogs again, when I saw a woman, raking the sand where the dogs were. I figured that since it was her house, they must be her dogs, and I decided to head home the way I came.
As I approached, she apparently got done raking and headed toward her house, about the same time, here come the dogs., much more aggressive this time.
things get pretty blurry after that, I was surrounded on three sides, five dogs, very close, barking and showing teeth and nipping at me. One was a very evil looking grey german shepard type with a very skinny nose. There was the mastiff looking dog again, probably the least scary, a white dog, and I can’t really remember the others. Three more dogs came from the house next door, two doberman looking dogs and I think the third was yellow.
I started calling the lady for help, and the dogs got more aggressive because of my yelling. I was reversing out onto the sharp rock and lost a shoe. At some point I got bit on the shin pretty good, but I don’t really even know which dog it was that bit me.
The lady arrived and got two of the dogs, I remember her saying that all these dogs weren’t hers. At some point, she said “GO!” and I replied that I had to get my shoe.
Somehow I got my shoe, and was headed down the beach. I wasn’t that shook up, the whole thing seemed unreal. I ran into two people down a ways, and told them about the dog attack, they already had been warned. Apparently these dogs have a reputation.
My leg was bleeding pretty good, and I called my wife, then the police. The police came and we went looking for the house with the dog. We found the house with the three, but these dogs really only came to look because of the ruckus mde by the other five attacking me. We couldn’t find the front of the house with the five dogs, or if we did, the dogs were inside and the lady wouldn’t come out. The policeman wouldn’t walk out on the beach where I was attacked, and I don’t blame him, as he had no weapon to defend against dog attack.

Today, the policeman and I are supposed to go back, out to the beach, with the dog catcher.
We’ll see what happens..