Western Australia Mystery Object

I’ve been to Western Australia, I’ve been to Bunbury, about an inch south of Perth on the map.This object was found in Green Head, about three inches north of Perth on the map. You can read more about it HERE.

I like weird things like this. I’ll be following up on it. I’m sure this particular object is a spaceship and there are aliens inside. Finally.

Happy birthday to my Grandfather, Damon E Grim. Born 18 Jul 1895, died in 1976. My favorite relative of all.

Havva Happy Tuesday !

Dart Family Park

12 second video

It was another good weekend. Saturday I met some friends at an often driven passed but seldom stopped at park. Pictures and video above.

Also I was productive replacing my thermostat in the house and an automatic ground fault indicator for the back porch outlets. For some reason, this one fails about once a year.

Also I went out for my birthday lunch Sunday with the wife. It was good to see her.

And, yesterday was my grandfathers birthday, born July 18th, 1895. Happy birthday Granpa!

And now for another Monday. Have a great week!

Flashback Friday: Grandmas Phone

Memory Monday has been changed to Flashback Friday.

old-phoneMy Moms parents lived on a farm in Wilmington, Ohio. Back in the days of my eariliest memory, I remember their phone. They had a party line, which meant that several people in several houses used the same line, like separate phones in the same house. Each phone had a different ring, (like two fast and one short would be my Grandparents). Sometimes you’d pick up the phone and hear somebody else talking. You’d hang up and try again later.

Talking on the phone was a big deal in those days. I remember my Grandparents phone was on a little table in the hall, with a pad of paper, a pencil, and a small lamp. Nothing else. When you used the phone, you concentrated on using the phone. It was an important device, not used for idle chat.

For Christmas, my Wife gave me a Zen Garden. I always wanted one, but now I wonder where I’m going to put it. It seems to me that the table at my Grandparents house with the phone on it would be a perfect place,

zen_gardenI miss those days. I’d like to go back in time, knowing all I know today.

This morning when the alarm went off I was dreaming I was at a yard sale pushing a double shopping cart. There was a regular shopping cart and a wagon hitch on front with another cart attached.

I was maneuvering through the items at the yard sale, thinking “This should be impossible to steer but it’s not” when the alarm went off. Now I feel all zombie-ish and brain dead. I think if the alarm goes off in between dreams I’m OK, but interrupt a dream and I’m hurtin’ fer certain.

But it’s FRIDAY! Have a good weekend!

Cranky Don’t Care

I’ve been reading the news, trying to come up with something to post.

Ernest Borgnine died. That’s a bummer.I didn’t know he was still alive. We need to know who’s still alive, not who’s dead.

My Grandfather was 22 when Ernest Borgnine was born. I enjoyed every minute he was on camera. Ernest was in the US Navy-twice.


NASA released a panorama image (or video?) from the Mars Rover. Very disappointing because although the news articles tell you about it, none of them seem to actually show the video/image whatever it is. There is a little crappy video with most articles, crappy video not worth an article.

Last night I woke up every 15 minutes or so all night, with deep sleep in between. Like I wake up thinking it’s morning and it’s still 11:45, then 12:02, then 12:20, all night long.

I guess I’m in a crappy mood, judging from this post. Oh well. Don’t Care!

Two days after my Grandfather was born….

…the oldest person on Earth verified by the Guinness Book of World Records was born. Now she’s in the news because she died a couple of days ago. Eunice Sanborn of Jacksonville, Texas, died quietly in her home on Monday. The obituary cited a birth date of July 20, 1895, but her family says her age is uncertain. My Grandfather , Damon E Grim, was born July 18, 1895.
Read about Eunice Sanborn and see a video on CNN here. To think she was born two days after my Grandfather really makes me think. A generation is pretty big, time-wise. A parent and their child can span a hundred years easily. I wonder if Eunice and my Grandfather ever crossed paths. Maybe they actually met.
Of all my relatives, my Grandfather was my favorite, and the person I always wanted to be like the most.
I get kind of sentimental about it really, a person lives, and a person dies. But when a person dies, people still remember them. After a time, everyone who actually remembers a person dies. 1895 seems like a long time ago, but I remember my Grandfather. He died in 1976. If I could go back in time, I would ask him a whole bunch of questions, and take notes.
I think humans need to focus less on who dies, and more who is still alive. I remember years ago, hearing about an old man who died who was instrumental in inventing the internal combustion engine. I thought, “I wish I knew he was still alive before he died” Does that make sense?

With Eunice Sanborn’s death, the “oldest living person” designation goes to Besse Cooper of Monroe, Georgia. She was born in 1896