
Ashy’s bed-on-bed

When I wake up in the morning I make my bed very smooth so that if the cat walks on it I can see her footprints.

And yes, I always make my bed. To quote one of my best, long-lost Navy friends, Delawares own, Albert “Young Al” Davidson; “What kinda squid doesn’t make his rack.” It’s not a question.

Once a squid always a squid.


Happy Saturday!

Slow n Steady

Slow n steady, low and level, that’s how I’m feeling today. I’m just ready to go to work and work. Think of nothing but work and workin.

I have a pretty busy weekend lined up. Some kind of swimming event at Sunset House, a beach clean up Sunday morning, pizza on the beach Saturday afternoon, Friday night dinner club tonight (hopefully). Not to mention all the yard work I should have done last weekend that I didn’t do.

Should be a busy weekend! Havva goodun!

Solar Storm

There is a news article HERE about a solar storm we’re having now. I was going to post this yesterday, but found a blurb that said this July 2021 solar storm stuff was fake news.

I don’t think solar activity is fake news, but if you Google “Solar storm could cause catastrophe”, you find we almost died practically every year since the internet was invented.

It takes light 8 minutes to reach earth from the sun. We’d not know what hit us if something happened to the sun. Maybe some of our instruments could give us a little heads up, but there’s nothing we could do about anything that happens to the sun.

In other news I did go to the farmer’s market yesterday, compared to the weekend one there was very small. I didn’t even take any pictures. But I did buy a mango smoothie and a star fruit that I ate at work. Maybe I can germinate the seeds…

Tonight is movie night but I’m not sure if I’m going or not. Have a wonderful day!

Fourth Quarantiner

My fourth quarantiner moved in last night. His flight was supposed to arrive at 2PM but was delayed due to thunderstorms here and Miami. I rekkon he showed up at about 8 or 8:30.

A friend of mine, his marriage is breaking up too, called about the apartment, and came over and looked. He’s looking for more long term, but I told him it’s a good place to stay while he finds a place to stay.

Long time marriages breaking up… Must be something in the air.

Have a fabulous day!

Farmers Market, Worth a Checkout

I’ve been meaning to attend this for quite some time, maybe today is the day. There’s a different farmers market near where I work everyday, but it’s only full and busy on weekends. This once a week might be really good.

Got a letter yesterday from the power company, they want to put a-pole in next to an existing pole in my yard. The new pole ewill have 2 anchors in my yard. I guess it’s gonna be no big deal but I’m meeting the person from the power company this afternoon. I just hope they don’t recommend offense. They insure me they won’t.

I have a quarantiner moving into the apartment this morning, It’s only 5 days now people come on down! I have somebody else interested in renting it as soon as they move out on a month by month, basically looking for somewhere to stay while they find somewhere to stay. Then I’m expecting visitors in October!

For some reason I’m running quite late today, My exercise took longer than normal I think. And the dogs and I had the maximum length morning walk.

The weather app calls for thunderstorms today but right now it is perfectly clear. Scooter or motorcycle? The great daily dilemma.

Have a good day!


I noticed that my posts are usually a day off. My Monday post is usually about the weekend, My Friday post is almost always about Thursday, Most of the posts (that rhymes) are about yesterday. I guess that’s the way it’s gotta be, unless I started posting in the evenings.

Below are four pictures from my scuba dive yesterday. Some of these are among my favorites that I’ve ever taken.

It was a good weekend, Friday night dinner club, Saturday mangrove festival in town…

Also Saturday was family fun day from work at the beach. It was fun with a lot of people and a lot of food and I want a $25 gasoline voucher playing bingo.

Sunday I went diving and to the beach ⛱. And had my regular beach pizza 🍕.

I didn’t do any of my chores. I didn’t paint, I didn’t clean, I didn’t mow, I didn’t trim the branches on the trees. And right now I don’t care.!

And now it’s Monday and I have a dental appointment today. Oh boy!

Have a great week!

Free French Fries

Went to movie night with the wife last night. It was good. I’ve been maybe 10 times, Every time I order food I request the salad instead of French fries. Only once have I got the salad as requested. When the waiter brings it I say “I’m sorry, but I ordered salad, not fries,” and he checks his notes, finds I did indeed request salad instead of fries, apologizes, brings me a salad and I have free French fries. If I posted this on Trip Advisor, they would fix it immediately and you would never get free fries again, so don’t tell anybody. So if you want free French fries go to the Westin movie night and ask for the salad with your Burger. You might get free fries you might not.

Last night the movie was Dirty Dancing. I had seen it before. It was a really good crowd who was “Interacting” with the movie. ” Nobody puts Baby in the corner” And it was windy on the beach and the wind blew the inflatable movie screen over twice. The crowd cheered and went wild. It was a fun night.

Today is Friday and yesterday was payday.. I have to pay bills.

Tomorrow is works Family Fun Day at the beach. Normally I wouldn’t go but now it’s like “hell yeah!” People and food!

Have a great weekend!

The Crab With Eggs

The other day I saw this crab climbing the wall. I went to take a picture and then noticed the eggs underneath. I wonder what she’s going to do with those eggs, and if I’m going to have a trillion baby crabs around here in a little while. She was gone that afternoon when I got home from work, without a trace.

Tonight is movie night at the Weston. I have a date with the wife. I am picking her up at her apartment.

It’s almost Friday!

The Two Percent Ripoff

I have a piggy bank, that for years, I throw nothing but quarters in. if I recall, last time it was full, it had about $60 in it.

My bank is Butterfield, the worst bank in the world. I mentioned that I would be bringing in a bunch of quarters. The teller informed me that Butterfield now charged a 2% fee for counting coins. After I said I’d bring them in counted, I was told that even then, they have to re-count them, and charge 2%.

Sooooo, I dumped the piggy bank, and every day I take a pocketful of quarters to spend. Then, everywhere I go, I apologize profusely while I count out quarters and tell the story of how crappy Butterfield Bank is.

I know, I know, I should leave. While other banks are a little better, they’re almost as bad. And it just hasn’t been worth it. All the banks are in cahoots.

Maybe crime DOES pay… Have a great day! (That rhymes)

Thundery Lightingey

out my north window just now

Woke up before the alarm ⏰ this morning because of thunder and lighting. (I really would like to not wake up exhausted sometime). I did my exercise under a clear, starry sky with storms to the south. When I finished my workout, the first raindrop fell.

I used a little red umbrella when I walked the dogs. Umbrellas are fun!

Have a great day!