Long and short of it.

It seems like my wife has been gone a long time, but it’s only been two days. (I almost typed “an eternity” instead of “two days). She’s coming back today.

However, it seems like I just left work, and now I’m going back in already.

So, on one hand, it seems like a very long weekend, and on the other, it seefms like a very short weekend.

That’s the long and short of it!

Happy Leap Day!

Bittersweet Friday

This morning the wife left for Florida for the weekend. I’m home alone already and it’s weird because I normally get dressed in the dark and walk around the house with my little flashlight and keep quiet with my wife sleeping. And now all the lights are on my wife’s gone I’m walking around openly and it’s just weird.

Gonna be a long weekend, I’m working a Caytronics sound job. Loaded up the car last night, set up straight after work.

Quite windy and chilly this morning. Funny sinc I was just talking about winter being over.

Well, that’ll do for this morning. Have a great wekend!


It’s Day before Friday. I’m feeling pretty relaxed this morning.

Yesterday evening I made stuffed peppers. They were pretty good, if I say so myself. The wife had an exercise class after work, so I made dinner. Very pretty presentation, Two red, two orange. I shoulda took a picture. And I opened a can of spinach.

Hopefully winter is over, weather has been good the past weeker two.

Have a good day!

Full Moon Rain


Many years ago, someone told me that in Cayman, it always rains around the full moon. I’ve been keeping an eye on it ever since, and it seems to be true. It usually does rain on or around the full moon. This morning it was sprinkling when I did my exercises, now there’s not a cloud in the sky.

Interesting to me… Is there a scientific reason for it I wonder?

Have a GREAT day!

Good Monday To You!

And a good week to you too!
I had a very good weekend, Saturday was restful with a long nap and viiting some friends. Sunday was beach and give-the-dog-a-bath day.

I’m not dreading the start of the week like I normally am,  I got a feeling it’s going to be an OK week.

Alittle explanation about my “deleted post” .  It was nothing, unnecessary whining that had no business being here.
I hope you all have a good week! I certainly plan to!

Blog Poll

Yesterday I got an email about my blog. This student at the University of Southern California. I’m not going to put his name here without permission, but he is studying how people present themselves on the web, and how machines can utilize the knowledge encoded in these presentations. Sounds a little scary, teaching machines how to dig deeper into our lives, but i took the survey, and enjoyed it.


I’m wondering if any of my billions of daily readers recieved a similar email, and if they took the poll?

Movie: Coraline


We watched a movie last night, never heard of it before, “Coraline”.  It was supposed to be a kids movie, but I don’t think so. It was pretty creepy and real good.

This little girl, Coraline, moves into a new house with her parents. She’s bored and he parents don’t seem to pay much attention to her.

Coraline discovers a little door that has been wallpapered over. She finds the key, and opens the door, but underneath, it’s been bricked up too. Later that night she wakes up and follows some mice to the door. She opens it and the bricks are gone and there’s a tunnel. The crawls through the tunnel, and seems to be in the same place when she comes out, but everything’s a little different.

Definitely worth watching, definitely. Weird tale, good plot, stretches the imagination and really good animation make this a must see.

Have a good day!

My 20 Year Old New Shoes

Before I moved to Cayman, I decided I wanted to start running again. I enjoyed it in high school…

So I bought some new running shoes. Maybe I wore them a couple of times, maybe not.

Yesterday, I decided I wanted to go running. I get out the shoes, beautiful, no dirt, no wear on the sole, like new.
I started running, a sole fell off. last night I fixed it with glue. Ran again this morning, the other sole started coming off.

I need more glue…