Repeat Dream Again

I have had the same repeat dream the past two nights. I can’t really remember though. Something like a battery powered wheelchair that I invented a long time ago that didn’t work. It’s there, and I want to get rid of it, but it won’t go away.

Woke up this morning with a cramp in one calf. Half an hour before the alarm was supposed to go off. Man, that hurts.

I don’t feel like going to work today. I have an evaluation this afternoon. It angers me just thinking about it. There’s more there than I’m writing here…

It was supposed to clear up today, weatherwise, but it looks like it’s going to be rainy again today. I like the scooter better than the car.

Have a good day!

Monday From Work

I’m at  work, my Mom is leaving today. It was a short visit.

We had a good time, we went on a biolumenesence tour, which was very cool. We had a hamburger party last night.

It was a good weekend and nice to see my Mom.

Have a good week!

This just in…

I heard on the BBC this morning that Ramen noodles are becoming a major currency in prisons, equalling or overtaking tobacco.


I saw on Facebook that today is the internet’s 25th birthday. That can’t be right, can it?

Havva goodday!

The Screen House

The screen house is officially operational. The Wife put the first plants in this weekend.

The screenhouse is like a greennhouse, except instead of letting light in it is designed to keep chickens (and cats) out.

We also drained and deflated and threw away our old dead hot tub. Note: Intex products are inexpensive and good, but they generally last only slightly longer than the warranty period. Consider them disposable products. we paid $500 for a hot tub for a year. Not really a bad deal.

It was a busy weekend. Saturday we got dirt for the planter and put it in. I still have to build another giant planter.  Sunday I trimmed trees, and began a project th reclaim our fence line. Trees from the woods behind us tower up and lean over into our yard. Fantastic vines and fast growing trees lace themselves into our fence. I started clearing it away.

Sunday we took Sheba the dawg to the beach, and before that she got a haircut, no small feat.

Thursday my Mom is coming for a visit. Looking forward to that.

It was a good, busy weeekend.

Have a good week!

Flashback Friday – Breathing Pot Smoke Instead Of Air

Back before I joined the Navy, when I was a long haired hippie, I worked in a cafeteria that shall not be named here.

Sometimes, I had to do dishes. There was a big, industrial dishwasher, about a cubic meter in size. It was on this sink/slide tray and had these custom racks for the dishes to go on. It had two doors, one in, one out. It washed the dishes for 60 seconds in 180 degree F water.

There was also a door in the room that went out to the parking lot. I would park my car very close to that door.

I was a pretty good dish-doer. When I had to do dishes,I would sometimes fill and line up a whole bunch ot the dish racks, slide one in, and push the “wash” button.

In that 60 seconds, I would run out to my car, take a huge toke off my pot pipe, then, holding it in, I would run inside, pull the clean dishes out, stack them, put the next tray in, press the button and run back out to my car.

Then I’d blow out the smoke, and inhale another giant toke off my pipe. Run back in, start the next tray, stack the clean dishes and/or load up some more dirty dishes to be washed. Run back outside, exhale, toke, run inside and repeat.

My objective was to not breathe any air, only pot smoke, during my entire shift.

Just one of the ways I had fun when I was a kid, about 40 years ago!

The above picture is me in 1977 or 78, on a lunch break when I worked at the cafeteria!

Of course, you know I don’t smoke pot or drink or use drugs any more. Not since 1991.

Have a good weekend!


Every day the weatherman says “sunny today, but rain tomorrow”. We did have a shower last night, and yesterday, during what would have been my lunch hour,  but I always think I’ll be taking the car instead of the scooter to work tomorrow.

I guess I don’t have much to say today. Very tired. It was very hard to wake up this morning. I walked but I didn’t swim.

The full mood setting was beautiful this morning.

Have a good day.

Another Weird Dream

I had a dream last night the me, our old neighbor Sue and my gradeschool friends dad, Mr Gunn, were traveling. I think we were politicians

We came to a very large building. We went in, and the building was so huge, we had to fly to get across. We got on this machine, kind of like a cross between a helicopter and a clear elevator. We’re flying way up high, and out the window, I can see shelves a shelves of books. Someone told me this building was the town library or city library or kingdom library. A really big library.

We get to the other side, and go out. We’re walking through country, with grass and trees. All of a sudden these vehicles drivee up, men get out and start shooting these dart guns at us. But they aren’t shooting at us, they’re aiming at the ground 10 or 20 feet in front of us. And it’s like a machine gun dart gun. A terrifying amount of these white, paper looking darts shooting out and toward us into the ground.

I saw the darts up close, imagine a rolled up one inch piece of paper, like a cigarette butt but thinner, with a needle poking out one end. That’s what they looked like.

So we three start runnung. I turn around and I’m alone, no sign of Sue or Mr Gunn or the dart gun guys. I’m on a grassy road with trees on one side and a field of tall grass on the other. All of a sudden, a dart gun guy jumps out of the trees and starts shooting streams of darts from his dart gun at the ground 20 feet in front of me. I look down and can see several darts in my feet. I’m wearing flip flops, like always. I didn’t feel anything like pain from the darts or drugs from the darts. Nothing. I’m   just looking down at these paper darts, just under the surface of my skin.

Then I woke up. It was about 4:00 AM, so I went back to sleep.

Dream evaluations welcome.

Have a nice day!