What do you get when you take the insides out of a hot dog?
A Hollow Weenie!
Why was the skeleton afraid to cross the road?
He didn’t have the guts!
Happy halloween! Have a good day!
Today China launched three astronauts to its own orbiting space station where they will stay for 6 months. China collected samples from the far side of the Moon. China is making great strides in it’s space program and in space. Because they’re putting in effort.
the director of NASA said that the United States and China are in a space race. What? It seems to me that NASA has been holding down the brake pedal of the space program for years. Nothing to replace the space shuttle, nothing to replace the International Space station which is due to be trashed soon. The US is not putting any effort in its space program.
How can you call it a race? The US is busy with its internal squabbles. Cranking up their deficit and getting nothing in return. The US looks like it’s not even not even trying to be in any race.
All talk, no action . Do they think the privately funded space programs are going to be faithful to the US needs? It can’t be relied on.
Happy rainy Wednesday.
Wasn’t yesterday Saturday and today is Sunday? What am I doing going to work today? It can’t be Monday already!
It looks like more weather coming. It rained last night, it’s cloudy now, and it’s supposed to rain more today. And we’re not even in the orange zone in the picture above. The weather here has been nice and cool, so we probably won’t have a hurricane here in Cayman but as it moves North to the Gulf of Mexico who knows what might happen?
I’ll be keeping an eye on this one.
I bought these horrible tortillas the other day.. Usually if I buy something I don’t like, I’ll choke it down anyway, but these were terrible. They crumbled when you tried to roll them up. And they were non usable .I threw 4 of the 6 away.
I bought them because there were only these, and some cauliflower tortillas which I had already tried and was not impressed with..
I’m not into vegan or gluten free. I avoid fluffy bread and added sugar. That’s my criteria for buying food. (I’ll eat bread in a restaurant).
i got a new package of tortillas from the Mexican food aisle and I’ll probably be sticking with that from now on, like usual. I tried the above because they were out of the Mexican kind.
Happy Friday! Have great weekend.
The van is gone, sold, money in pocket, title transfered. All is well.
I woke up at midnight, exactly 0000 hours thinking about my new car, and the missing key.. The seller said he only got one key when he bought it new from the dealer. But the dealer says he got two. Where’s the missing key? I paid $300 for a spare key with electronics inside (locksmith keys won’t work). The dealer told me the guy probably lost the key and didn’t want to say anything, but I wonder where that key is. Does somebody have the key who is can steal my car? Is there some loan shark repo man holding the key for some illicit debt? What would my course of action be if someone took the car and said they needed x amount of dollars to return it, Saying it was collateral for a loan?
In this way, my mind always finds a way to keep me from relaxing and living in peace. At the same time it seems like a legitimate fear.
What are your thoughts? The seller has left the island.
Have a great day!
It was relatively cool last night and this morning on our dawg walk. Quiet on the weather front for now. Above is this morning’s plain ‘ol sunrise.
I expect I’ll be transferring ownership of my van today. It’s been a great vehicle. I got another call last night from somebody who wanted to buy it, I told them it was sold. The first person who seriously looked at it took it
Happy Wednesday!
Below is Goldie and Lenny. They seem to have a strong friendship going on.
It wasn’t much of a weekend. There were waves and no diving. I checked my logbook, I haven’t dived in 57 days.
Saturday this weekend was pretty normal, Sunday I thought I would enjoy a nice quiet day at home. It drove me crazy. It was so lonely and depressing I thought I was going to come out of my skin. I’m one of those people who feels like I’m wasting my life if I’m not doing something.
in the book, The Caine Mutiny the author, Herman Wouk, says: “wasted moments ruin a life, whether at the beginning or the end, but they’re more noticeable at the end”. It says that in the book, not the movie..
As I get older, I sometimes feel like I’ve wasted my whole life. I know it’s not true, but sometimes it seems that way
I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to retire
have a great week!
the other night I dreamed I rented a Formula One style race car. It was sitting outside and I was worried about getting it back to the rental company in time. Also, it was electric. And because of the narrow body the brake pedal was located under the accelerator pedal. Very difficult to push the brakes. And because it was electric, when you push the accelerator it applies the battery voltage to the motor, which automatically runs at full speed. So it was full blast or nothing, and hard to hit the brakes.
It wasn’t one of those sissy delicate Formula One race cars that you see on the track, this was a muddy dirty off road style car with wheels at the end of real long axles.
I was driving off road in the dirt, and I suppose I returned it to the rental company in time.
It was a really fun dream!
Happy Friday!
I’m somewhat disappointed. I was hoping for and expecting a large screen Kindle like the Scribe. The rumors I heard was that the color Amazon reader would be a color Scribe. Look at the picture above, the Colorsoft is barely bigger than his thumb!
I would have bought the color Scribe immediately, cost be damned, like I did with the Scribe that I have. I’m not interested in the Collorsoft and will either keep my Kindle scribe or move over to the BooxTab Ultra C Pro color ereader.
Sigh, ho hum. Whaaa. Crybaby
Have a good day, it’s rainy here today.