Palm Trees & a Motorcycle Ride

Heres a shot from our dog walk this morning. Palm trees in the pre dawn light.

My car is in the shop, getting a seal replaced. It was waiting for the part for a long time. Last evening I pressure washed the oil stain from my driveway parking spot.

Im riding the scooter today, first time in a long time.

Hapoy Friday ! Have a great weekend!

Surprisingly Hassleless

Over the weekend, a tourist reversed into my car and broke the tail light. I never would have noticed but they waited for me and gave me their information, driver’s license and Rental Car info. I didn’t call the police I didn’t file accident report and I expected that the repair would have to come out of my pocket because I didn’t have a police report.

Yesterday I called the rental car place and took the papers to the rental car place. They told me “no problem” , took a picture of my broken tail light, and told me to get a quote.

I went to the parts store, the part was in stock, I got the quote, took it back to the rental car place, they wrote me a check.

I took the check to the parts store and got the part. I swapped it myself last night and I was surprised at the lack of hassle.

When I took the check to the parts department the person there said “I don’t know if we can take that check” , he made a phone call, they didn’t answer, so he took the check.

it was a not unpleasant experience, and I was pleasantly surprised.

have a great day!

Typical Monday Post

It was a nice weekend, seemed long. Friday after work, I dropped my vehicle for service, Had a lazy evening at home.

Saturday I did aomw yard work, and picked my vehicle up in the afternoon.

Sunday went diving, pictures above.

Typical Weekend, Typical post. Nothin’ to see here folks.

Have a great week!


Im about a quarter of the way through this book, Circe. I’m really enjoying it I don’t know what is different that makes the writing so special. In a nutshell, the book is about Greek Mythology.

Circe becomes a sorceress after she is rejected too many times. She leans how to change people into other forms. Because of this, she gets banished to an island. This island is referenced in the book Homers Odyssey, which has been on my reading list forever.

This book is good, highly recommended and very interesting.

Yesterday we had tons of rain. Now something is wet in my cars ignition and it’s giving me problems.

Have a good day!

A New Hobby?

These past few weeks, I seem to be getting stuck behind cars that seem to be going incredibly slow. I’m behind them, foot off the gas, tapping the brakes every hundred meters or so to keep from gaining on them. Yesterday there was a truck, first in line at a very busy intersection light, and when the light turned green, he crawled off at a snails pace.. Me and many other cars behind him. This has happened with several vehicles over the past few weeks . Sometimes you get behind a normal-speed-moving car, and they slow down, no brake lights, they just take their foot off the gas and coast down to idle. Apparently, just to be difficult.

They also tend to speed up as soon as room is available for passing.. I know I have a twisted, negative mind, but I can’t imagine them doing it for any other reason than to be annoying.

Seems it’s “a thing” these days…

happy hump day! Hava good one!

A Few More Days

There’s only a couple more working days for me this year, today and tomorrow. I feel quite neutral about this year’s holiday season.

Yesterday I was quite stressed about the flat tire, having the tiling job going on and and payday so far away. We normally get paid at the end of the month, but in December we get paid early. Therefore there’s about 7 weeks between the December pay day in the January pay day. I seem to be the victim of some self inflicted bad timing. I got 2 new front tires yesterday and feel much better now. Relieved.

Below is a selfie of me at work. I took it to send to someone who was working from home.

My plan for today is to just go with the flow. I’m just gonna kind of hang out and see what happens.

Have a great day!

Flat Tire

I have a flat tire on my van, and I have to fix it before I go to work. So I’m running late before I even start the morning. It’s still pitch black outside, so I might as well have my coffee and post my post. As you may have guessed, post posting is top priority. Even when I fund it difficult to produce a post to post..

I’m ready to move into next year. Never before have I wanted things to change more. And for me to change.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

There was a good hard rain this morning. Was badly needed.

Busy & Not Too Fun

I spent most of Saturday and some of Sunday trimming trees in the backyard. See pic above. I wish I had taken a before shor, you could touch the tree branches from the porch. Ran into chainsaw trouble Sunday, I’m still not done. I rekkon I’m done enough.

I missed a big street parade Carnival Saturday too. I really wanted to go, but, you know, chainsawing.

Weather coming, looks like. We need some rain.

Today, both dogs are going to the vet to get shots and checkups.

Last week, I think it was Wednesday, someone creased my car in the parking lot of the grocery store. I think I noticed it immediately after it happened. It is upsetting, to say the least. I’m not going to do anything about it though. My first damage to my new baby van.

And that’s about it for today. Have a good week!

Ford Nucleon

I found this yesterday. Thee Ford Nucleon, nuclear powered car. Think of all the shielding needed in the back, protecting us from the reactor, the incredible weight allows the long overhanging front end. Google it. Read about it. It’s really neato mosquito cool and fun.

I was super sick yesterday. I guess I had a 24 hour cold. I went diving sunday, After that I sneezed, Then my head clogged solid and I had a cold. Then last night it just cleared up. I’m almost fully back to normal now.(Cold wise only, still normal crazy!)

Go out and buy a nuclear powered car today!