Earthquake Sunrise Runway

There was a small earthquake in Jamaica yesterday, we didn’t feel it here, I didn’t anyway, and didn’t hear anyone say they did.

this morning’s sunrise was quite spectacular I thought. Pictures below

And yesterday at work I got to go out on the runway about some stuff Tor the weather stations. Got a couple pics.

Aaaaaand tomorrow is Friday! Life is good!


I got home yesterday without a hitch. Now I’m on the regular morning routine, Back to work.

Some shots from yesterday

Have a good week! It’s Wednesday already!

Late, but got here.

Got on the plane at Grand Cayman yesterday and sat there without moving for 3 hours. There was a dent in the cargo door that was measured, the dimensions sent to the USA, deemed safe and we went. Everyone on board missed their connections.

So I got to my mom’s after midnight,and now I’m drinking coffee.

Below are sunset photos from the plane.

Have a great day!

Ol’ Bushy

Above is an old plane and an old fire truck at work. The plane has been sitting there as long as I’ve worked there. Over ten years. The fire truck has been there not as long. Both are being reclaimed by nature, it would seem.

Its almost Friday! Almost!

Have a great day!

Rocket Powered Airplane

I took this picture this morning just before sunrise. The sun was shining on the plane, but not on me yet. At first glance light was reflecting off the plane itself making a separate dot from the vapor trail, but by the time I whipped out the camera the reflection was gone. You can still see the plane pretty well in the picture.

I started reading Homer’s Odyssey, I don’t think I can do it. It’s written like bullet points, with one not relating to the other, along list of facts, it seems. I guess that’s what prose means.

Fitzgerald’s translation is probably the third translation I’ve tried. It is allegedly the most popular. I need to find a version that is written more like a story like a regular book. The way this book is written, reminds me of Dante’s inferno, a very tough read. I did find a storybook version of that, however.

Happy Friday! Tomorrow is July..

I have a tenant moving into the apartment today for 90 days. Gonna turn on the AC and put out some towels before I leave for qork I mean work.

Have a great weekend And a long one!

Violinist Takes The Bus

An airline told a violinist he either had to store his 5 million euro 1685 Stratovarius in the cargo hold or not get on the plane. He ended up on an 8 hour bus rude instead of his one hour flight. Read the article HERE.

A violin in a case is small enough for carry on. Airlines are getting more and more out of hand. Everyone is expected to obey every unreasonable whim of every airline employee, irregardless of the regulations.


Catalina PBY

Yesterday I got to go aboard a Catalina PBY water plane like the one I went diving on years ago. It was very cool. Pictures below:

The wheels and dashboard were the only recognizable parts on the wreck. I showed the aircrafts owner my post in the link above.

Happy Tuesday! Time for work!

Backwards Wright Flier

Officials in Ohio had to — literally — reverse course when they realized their new state license plate design featured a plane flying backwards.

read the NPR article HERE.

I thought the Wright Brothers were from North Carolina?

Speaking of reversing course, I undid my plan of taking Mondays off starting mid November. I’m transferring 5 vacation days to 2022. I’m still taking off all the Fridays though!!

My new shirt, mentioned yesterday, is in the give-away box. Wasted money. I can’t return it because I washed it and wore it (for a couple hours). I wore it to work and couldn’t stand it. I went out in the morning and bought 3 new shirts. All three together cost less than the one microfiber monstrosity. I changed my shirt in the shirt store parking lot.

And now I’m out the door for work! Remember to keep flying forward!