Yesterdays Post FAIL!

Yesterdays post didn’t upload, and when I got to work, the post content was gone. It had a lot of pictures.

The new WordPress app has problems. I can’t get to the tags, till I exit and re enter and then edit.

Anyway, I don’t want to wake up bitching this morning. It’s FRIDAY!!

Have a good weekend!

No Title Monday

Not much to say today.  Got the blahs really bad.

I need a new backpack, I moved into a new old one that I had but I don’t like it. I need a new backpack.

Went diving yesterday, it was good.




The new version of the WordPress app I use to post posts, I dislike it. When I want to upload an image, instead of being able to steer to the folder I want, it shows all the images on the device. And I can’t see the name, I have to select by using the tiny sliver portion of the image they show you. It shows newer images first.


I’ll have to write a letter to the developer. Instagram is doing the same thing now. I’m about ready  to be rid of Instagram. I already got rid of Pinterest.

Sorry about the volume control in my screenshot.

Anyway, I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow.

Have a good week!


I’m Back!?!

Well, I think I’m back online. Many thanks to Adam, who did all the work, and Chris, who sent me my old posts from August 21 (the date of my last backup)

I plan on re-inserting the posts as soon as I get a chance, I think I can manipulate the date and put them in order. The comments were lost. I need to fix my color scheme and menus and stuff,


It was a terrible ordeal, I  tell you..


Replacing Google Reader

I guess almost everybody has heard Google will be shutting down it’s Reader July 1

google-reader-shutting-down-Well, I’ve been looking for a replacement. and I think I found it. It’s called Bloglines

bloglinesAt first glance, I thought it was crap, but after you flip the switch circled above, iIt seems to be pretty good, . When you open it for the first time, default is this “Widget View” which shows all these boxes that are not what I want. But at the top of the page is a switch to flip for Reader View. Reader View is good.See picture above.

I exported my subscriptions from Google Reader, and got a ZIP file with a whole bunch of JSON files and one XML. On Bloglines, you’ll see an “Add Content” button. Below that is “Import OPML”. Steer  that to your XML file and it will import all your subscriptions from G Reader. And you can add sites one by one. I’ll help, if you need help, comment or email.

I’ve looked a lot for a Google Reader replacement, I started When I got my own webpage. I started looking again when I got the notification G Reader’d be shutting down. This is the best I could find, and for me, I like it.


Notice To My Readers

I received a notification yesterday that I had a record number of followers for one day on my blog. Second Go.

I haven’t used that blog in months.

The blog you followed is:

This blog, (my only active blog) is and is the only one to follow.

The reason for the confusion is that I use my wordpress account to comment on  wordpress blogs and when you press the “follow” button, it follows the wordpress blog. I tried to add this blog to my wordpress profile, but have been unable.

(On my computer, I’m logged onto Google, which is blogger, and wordpress, which is oddly enough, wordpress. The approproate profile shows up on the comments you receive on your blogs from me.)

Sorry for any confusion. I want comments and readers on this blog.

I Have Had It With Word Verification

vordverI just counted, I follow 67 blogs. And every time any one of them posts a post, I read it and usually I comment. I don’t feel like I get as many comments as I give. Maybe everybody else doesn’t feel the same way about comments as I do. I’ve come to the point that I don’t expect many comments.

One thing I cannot stand, is the word verification. I’ve posted about it before HERE. Blogger and WordPress and everybody has good spam protection. Word Verification is unnecessary and insulting. A person can turn it off and on at will. So someone can turn it off, and if they have problems they can turn it back on. Or, if someone does spam them they can simply “mark as spam” and the problem is solved. Don’t punish everybody for the actions of the extreme minority. Most of those with word verification on are those who post, expect (and sometimes get) a lot of comments, but never ever comment on anybody else’s blog. They’ve never experienced the frustration of word verification. Some people have word verification on AND comment moderation. They are the lowest of the low.

I’m not commenting on any more blogs that have word verification. Look at the above picture, can you read those? A lot of time I type more on the word verification than I do the comment. “Please prove you’re not a robot, type the words below.” That pisses me off right there. Neither is a word, one is a jumble of letters and the other is numbers. Those aren’t words.

I could go on and on.but I won’t. Maybe I will… Later.

Thursday Ramble

Above are some pictures from last weekend.

I hate ironing. I can’t believe people still iron clothes in these modern times. In the Navy, we ironed all the time and I can’t remember it being such a pain in the ass.

We have a weather system moving in. I can hear waves from the back porch and it is cloudy cloudy and windy windy. Yesterday it was cloudy so I took the car instead of the bike. I left 5 minutes late and got to work a half an hour later than usual. And then it didn’t rain all day. I was stuck in traffic like a mere mortal. Today I’m driving again. It better rain!

I like this new blog, Now my problem is linking my reader with this blog instead of my old one. Also I can’t make the Twitter widget show up, but I’m not too worried about that at this time.

I gotta go! Have a good day!

First Real Post (on the new site)

This is my first real post on MarkD60.COM. I’m kind of still getting used to it.

This is a picture I took in September, the full moon setting on the sea early in the morning.

I installed WordPress in a  website folder. I use WordPress to manipulate the blog.  It’s instead of, and WordPress can’t do updates to my software, I have to do it myself. And also I could import my old blog.

So I’m gonna see how it goes.

Photo post from Florida

Got back from Florida late last night. Had fun taking pictures of Travlin’ Tim.

Still have a lot to learn about WordPress. There are at least three ways to post a post, and I have to learn the differences. Spent a lot of time trying to find how to do a photo album, which is what is above, now I ‘d like to put captions under the photos….. There’s a lot to learn!

Have a good day!