Volcano Plus Northern Lights

Greatest show on earth. Read the article HERE. In Iceland, a volcano has been going off for some time. From what I see on the news, it is a non-violent eruption and people have been able to walk right up to the lava flows, very close.

When I was in the Navy at Pearl Harbor (Oahu) The volcano going off on the Big Island would give us hazy skies and I always wanted to go see the lava. But on Hawaii, it was too explosive and violent, so I never did. (That and laziness and the expense, etc.) The active volcano in Costa Rica was hidden in a shroud of clouds, and although we were techically in a danger zone, couldn’t see a durn thing.

I’ve never seen the northern lights either, We looked for them in Canada, but nada.

So, for me, the pictures and the story from the article above are spectacular, and I’d love to see it, especially both at once!.

Have a good Wednesday!

Fast Runner


I realized today what a fast runner I am. i spilled coffee grounds this morning, and apparently, it takes me the same amount of time to clean up spilled coffee grounds as it takes me to run my 1.8 mile course, because by the time I got it cleaned up, It was the same time on the clock as when I get into the shower.

i didn’t run today, spilled coffee, didn’t have time.

If Ditto was still alive, it`d be his birthday. Also, on this day in 1979, I left Silver Spring, MD for boot camp.

Yesterday at work, I ha annual safety training, all day. Got it again this afternoon, and tomorrow morning.

There’s your daily randomness. Havva goodun! 

14 March 1985

31 years ago today, I got out of the Navy after six years active duty and six months inactive. I joined on the Delayed Entry Program 15 Sep 1978 and went to boot camp 15 March 1979. They send you home the day before, ’cause I guess technically you’re still in while you travel.

I went at NTC Great Lakes,  for almost two years, for boot camp and Electronics Technician School, then I got stationed in Pearl Harbor on board the USS Somers DDG 34. I also went to some schools at Mare Island, north of San Fransisco.

And that’s my post for today!

USS Kittiwake

Pic from Wikipedia

The USS Kittiwake is scheduled to be sunk here today as an artificial reef. She served the US Navy from 1945 to 1994. I am sure many people love this ship, and it is kind of sad that this morning is her last day in the air. Ships are alive. I often think of my first ship from the Navy, the USS Somers. On the other hand, it is a good thing Kittiwake will be a reef, anyone can come and visit her, any time. Kittiwake will still see the day and night. The Somers was sunk as in 2800 fathoms of water. As a target. But she wouldn’t sink. The US Navy couldn’t sink her with its weapons, and after they gave up, they had to put people on board to sink her with explosives. So the Somers is down there in the dark and cold, and I don’t like thinking about it. The Kittiwake has a much nicer fate, and anything is better than the scrapyard.

Read about the history of the Kittiwake HERE.

I took these pics of The Kittiwake off Seven Mile Beach yesterday, Jan 04, 2011.