Big Times For British Airways and Cayman!

Yesterday British Airways flllew their 737 from London to Cayman for the last time. Tomorrow, British Airways flies their new 777 from London th Cayman for the first time!

Boeing 777 are very beautiful planes, I look forward to seeing it.

Did you know that British Air flies  direct from London to Cayman several times a week? With one quick stop in Nassau. I’ve always wanted to fly on that flight.

Glad tomorrow’s Friday! I was tinkin’ today was Wednesday!

Backed up on projects.

I have many projects around the house. 1. Fix the roof for painting. 2. Build greenhouse for wife. (Screen house really, just to keep chickens out of the garden) 3. Downstairs closet. I’ve been grappling with how it can be done well and the way I want, and I think I finally got it sorted. 4. Anti drip moulding, so rain doesn’t run down the side of the house. 5. Get house painted. Quotes are $8000. What a load of hooie. 

Big jobs all.

Forgot My Post

Had a post for today. Simple, quick, entertaining. Impossible to forget.  I can’t remember what it was. I’ve been thinking about it almost since my post yesterday, all day. Now, post time, the mind clears.



THe common factor is that I alwayys think I won’t forget…

Oh Well, Have a good day!

No News Is Good News

Quiet, uneventful weekend. Saturday, the wife had to work, and I went shopping for a new clothes dryer. (Ours died)
Then I went to the beach.

Sunday, was a hang at home day. Did nothin.

One of the few times I’m glad to have nothing to post about.

Have a good week!

UK to Leave the EU

I’m kind of surprised, anthough I figured it would be close. UK is an island(s) though, and they never adopted the Eurodollar.

Now Scotland is bothered. Part of the reason they stayed as part of the UK was to remain part of the EU.


Wonder how it will affect Cayman?

Is it Wednesday?

I’ve lost track of the days.

Yesterday my back started hurting real bad again. Today it seems better.


Here’s a happy beach rock from the beach yesterday.

I’m leaving for work early this morning. I have a friend visiting from Cayman Brac and we’re going to have a cuppa coffee.

So, I gotta  get going.

Happy Summer!

Happy first day of summer! The longest day in the north, Shortest day in the south. First day of winter in tge southern hemisphere.
It starts at 5:34 Cayman time today


I like it better the two days the sun passes directly overhead in Cayman. It only happens in the tropics.

I got up this morning, walked to the sea and swam a little, walked home and showered, dressed, etc etc etc. Now I’m ready to go to work. Well, not ready, but I’m still going. My back still hurts when I bend over. Fon’t know what’s up, never hurt for this long before.

Well, have a good day, a good week and a good SUMMER!

Good Morning Friday!

It’s Friday and it’s supposed to be a nice day.
My back is feeling better. Yesterday I went snorkeling at lunch and it helped. I made an effort not sleep on my back last night too. Laying on my stomach feels so much better. I called a doctor yesterday, but got an answering machine so I took it as a sign and didn’t leave a message.

I’m ready for a good weekend. Beach birthday party tomorrow. Sunday I hope is quiet and uneventful.

Have a good weekend!

Oh My Achin’ Back!


My back has been hurting real bad lately. It was hurting when I put the steel around the bottom of our fence last week, but then it seemed to go away. Then, it came back. This morning I sneezed and it almost knocked me down. I could barely get my pants on. I can bend backwards but not forwards, and in the mirror, it looks like the curve of my spine is gone. From the top of my back to my butt is a straight line, no curve above the butt.

Yow! It happens occoasionally, but this time is really bad.

In the Navy, I was running down the passageway on he ship (drunk) and tripped on the bottom of a waterproof door frame. I went flying through the air, landed on my chest and slid on the tiles all the way to the next waterproof door. The next morning I could barely get out of bed. Once when I was a kid, I jumped from the roof of a truck down to the bed, where my feet slipped out from under me and I landed perfectly on the end of my spine-bone. That was the greatest pain I ever felt in my life. Once I was cleaning out under the coffee table, sitting cross-legged on the floor. I picked up a stack of magazines and leaned forward to put them under the coffee table, and ka-chink! I hurt my back, very similarly to what is going on now.

I am tempted to go to the doctor if it doesn’t get better soon, as it always has in the past.