Quarter Till Five

I set my alarm to go off at 4:45. It’s been seeming like I’m a little short on those in the week-mornings, so I’m getting up earlier. This morning, I was laying in bed, certain I had made a mistake, that the alarm wasn’t going to go off at all, but I refused to look at the clock. Finally it did go off and here I am

Above are some pre sunrise pics from this.morning. it was very red.

Have a wonderful Wednesday (seems like this is the second Wednesday this week, doesn’t it?)


New Road

The road that attaches to my street has been re-paves. It’s nice! I hope it lasts a long time The surface is a tar/oil mixture, where before it was asphalt. They don’t seem to be quiet done yet tho. Maybe this is an undercoat.

Yesterday after work I mowed the back yard. I am in control again! For now..

Have a great Wednesday!

Decrease Your Walking Time

I believe I’ve discovered a way to decrease the time I spend walking in the mornings. Without decreasing the distance walked. I’ll show you: go on, get up and walk. Now walk faster, faster still, a little bit faster, faster! That’s pretty good!

I believe the term that I should use for this faster walking will be “running”.

I shall get it to patented and copyrighted and I shall be rich for my invention!

Seriously though, it’s Wednesday, I slept good last night, I feel good now, I’m ready to go to work. I plan on swimming in half mile at lunch time like I did yesterday.

Have a wonderful day!


I never saw this show

Do you have a lot of friends? I do. I have friends I work with, I have friends I scuba dive with, I have friends I go to dinner with on Friday nights. I have friends “in the program”.

Friends as an adult seems different than friends I had when I was a child in school. With school friends, we would hang out after dinner and before dinner. We would talk on the phone 100 times a day. We were constantly in each other’s lives.

Somewhere along the line things changed,we’re friends, but there’s a distance, a subtle boundary, almost undetectable.

Years ago, my wife and I had an argument and she called her friends and I was painfully aware that I had nobody to call. Now, with this divorce going on, it never feels “right” to talk to my “friends” about it. If I do, I don’t feel good about it afterwards. Like some topics don’t fit in the “category” of our friendship. I feel like my only option is to talk to a stranger like a counselor, someone who is paid to do a job. And that doesn’t always do the trick either, I don’t get the connection, I don’t get whatever’s missing because the counselor or stranger doesn’t know the back story story, doesn’t know me, doesn’t know the people involved.

There’s lots of quotation marks in this post…

I guess I’m asking if you feel the same way? Do our friends and friendships get different as we get older? What changes? I’m thinking it has something to do with the creation of a new family, which I feel like I have lost recently.

Anyway, happy Wednesday have a good day!

Internet Down Mostly

It’s been frustrating around here lately. The internet has, for all intents and purposes, been down for days. It was up briefly last night, at about three quarter speed, but mostly it”s been what I call down. Even an email message takes an eternity to load.
I’m paying for 10 Meg per second download speed, and lately it’s been about 300 or 700K. Every six months, I have to call the company, and it’s a nuisance.

The weatherman has been calling for rain every day for the past few weeks or so, but we haven’t been getting much rain. Now the weatherman is saying sunny today, and rain tommorrow, so I’m riding the scooter today. It will be the first time since week before last.

Sheba went to the vet yesterday, she won”t put her right rear foot down. The doctor found liquid on her hip, an infection, apparently. Sheba has to take a whole pile of pills three times a day, and you can tell she doesn’t feel good.

Ad that”ll do me for today! Have a good day!

Wet Wednesday


It’s Wednesday morning. I’m sitting out on the back porch and it’s raining trying to stay dry.

I did an image search for wet Wednesday, it must be a big day for all the strip clubs, because I got tons of sexy pictures on google images. For example:


It was raining yesterday when I went to work, but then it got sunny and I went to the beach for lunch, that was nice. Hopefully it will do the same thing today.

Yesterday I went to grocery shopping and today I have to start cleaning the house for the cat / dog sitter.

I guess that’ll do’er for today.
Havva goodun.