Happy 2015


About 30 minutes ago, 2015 started on this planet. It isn’t sunrise here yet, but the sun will come up, then go down, and soon  after that, 2015 will  start here!

Happy New Years Eve! Happy New Year’s Day! May you have a healthy happy and prosperous 2015 and beyond!

I’m Back!


Spotted Eagle Ray, Christmas Gift from The Wife

I’m headed back to work this morning after a nice break.

Today is a regular workday, tomorrow, half day I believe. Thursday, Holiday and Friday is FRIDAY!

Not much to report, Christmas was good. I can’t really  account for my time,  I went to the beach a couple of times, took a lot of naps. I didn’t accomplish anything, didn’t study, didn’t mow.

It was hard to wake up this morning, still dark, without the alarm, I’ve been sleeping till it got light.

Oh  yeah, I have a toothache, a bad one. Top right, next to the back. Made an emergency trip to the dentist yesterday, got x-rays, a visual inspection, and was told they don’t see anything wrong. What do I do now? Another dentist? It hurts all the way up  to my eye, nothing can touch it. Can’t sleep. Either wait for it to go away or go to another dentist..


That’s all for now, I’ll be catching up on my blog reading today! Have a good day!

Very Good Day Indeed

Yesterday two of my best friends joined Facebook and sent me a friend request. One, I knew where he was, his brother has been on Facebook for a long time. My friend was just one of those “anti-computer” dudes.

The other one is a friend from the Navy who had completely disappeared. I had been looking for him, and/or his son, for years.


I rekkon I better get my Christmas shopping done either today or tomorrow, what do you think? Wait till tomorrow?

Hava Goodun!

Busy, Productive Weekend

It was a good weekend.
Saturday morning I went to the beach. Then at noon I went to town and rented a big jackhammer. Then Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning I dug 3 big holes in the yard and planted 3 trees, an avocado, a breadfruit tree, and a Desert Rose. TheĀ  desert rose is more likeĀ  a bush than a tree. Then that evening was the Wife’s works Christmas party, we played Miniature golf and then went and had a dinner. 17 years on the island, and that was the first time I had ever been to the mini golf course. It was fun!
Yesterday afternoon I went to the cigar bar with a friend and smoked two big fat cigars and watched American Football. For once I was not disappointed in the football.
One thing that didn’t get done this weekend was that I need to re-caulk the bathtub, and I meant to clean my “desk” and fold and put away the clothes I have piled up on top of Sheba’s kennel. That’s one thing I didn’t get done.

Well, the whole weekend fits into a couple of short paragraphs.

Happy Monday! This is the start of the big week!

Best Thing Since Sliced Bread


Years ago, I bought a pack of these because my dentist recommended it. They sat in the medicine cabinet, unused, till recently. A few months ago, I started using them. I was surprised, they are great! First few times I used them, grossly disgusting, I got what I call quite a bit of crud (not much) that brushing and flossing missed. And  a rotten smell from what I’m guessing was unchartered territory.

Now I’m hooked. I used all the first pack, and got two more, one for home and one for work.

The package comes with a plastic case, and about twice many brushes as will fit in the case. Not sure what that is all about. Also there’s different varieties, most have big old handles with 4 or 5 to  a pack and are expensive. Screw that, use these cheap ones and throw them away when done.

And that’s my Friday post. I was going to post about the Russian position on Ukraine, and how the media won’t give both sides of the story, but I’ll save that for another day.

Have a great weekend! I’m going to rent a jackhammer and dig some holes in our bedrock yard for some trees! We have an avocado and a triple breadfruit tree in  pots that are becoming too small.



So, Cuba is opening up to the USA. Bad idea, I think. What does the USA have to bring to the table? Anything Cuba needs it can get from somewhere else. Cuba has one of the best medical systems and one of the highest literacy rates in the world. The USA has been sinking for years, pulling Cayman and other countries down with it. The US is grabbing on to Cuba like a drowning fat boy grabbing a bacon sandwich.
I realize I don’t have all the facts and details, I just hope Cuba can protect itself.
The US will only harm Cuba, wait 5 or 10 years and see.

Alll Right!

That’s how I feel when I sit down to post my post after I’ve finished my morning routine and sit down with a cuppa coffee.

Flunked the test yesterday, got an 87  and needed a 90. I’ll be taking it again probably tomorrow or Friday. Stupid me. RTFQ! Read The F*****G Question! Plus I didn’t have my glasses and couldn’t read the freakin thing. Plus I didn’t study much….

And that’s it. It’s half cloudy here, supposed to rain this afternoon. I took the car yesterday, because I felt like it, now I guess I’m going to have to take it again because of the weather prediction..

The week is  dragging… It’s like – “it’s only Wednesday………..(sigh)”  Instead of – “I can’t believe it’s Wednesday already! Ohmagawd! Whooptedy dooptidy!

Have a GREAT day!

Test Day

Today I take the  first of 3 tests to get my real estate license. I need a 90% to pass.

Between you and me, I’m not as excited as I was a few weeks ago.

I never had good experiences with real estate agents. When I bought my house in the US, my agent was incompetent and I fired her and bought a house without an agent. Here in Cayman I bought my property without an agent. I never for one second considered using an agent.

I wonder what I was thinking.

Nevertheless, I will take a few more steps down this road before I decide. Might as well use the money I already spent on testing fees!

Have a good day!

Weekend Haps!

It was a good weekend, and way too short.
On a cold and dreary Saturday, we went to a little girls 5th birthday party. It was an incredible amount of fun, and I am sure the water was warmer than the air.





Every single picture I took is incredible, seems to me. Little kids are perfect beings. I had the warm fuzzies all day.

Sunday I studied for my real estate test, which apparently I was supposed to take last week. I was planning on going to the USA last week and told the lady, but I guess there was some mis-communication. I think I have lost my interest in real estate.,,

Also we went out and watched every team I like lose at American Football. Except Cincinnati and Seattle, they won. Redskins played good but lost anyway.

And now we are at a Monday morning. We’ll see what happens!

We have a hostage situation in Australia, some Muslim kid took hostages at a cafe and that’s been going on for about 12 hours. Flying a home made ISIS flag, asking for a real one. Idiot.

Have a good week!