Monday, Week 2

Today starts week 2 of training. It’s about SMS, Safety Management Systems.

It was a good weekend, for me. Unfortunately The Wife had to work all weekend, There’s a conference here by one of the manufacturers. Saturday I stayed home, Sunday I was a model for fishing clothes. Then I went to a going away pool party for some friends.
And that’s it.

Busy weekend coming up

The  Wife & I have  a busy weekend coming up. Manufacturers of her work products are visiting and she will be quite busy. When she’s busy, that means I’m busy. I’m sure I’ll have better stories to tell after the weekend!

Glad it’s Friday, but not sure how “weekendish” this weekend will be. Today is the last day of my Airport Operations training and it has been very interesting.

I have some friends visiting too and hope I can go diving with them.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday Thinkin’

It’s Thursday, Tomorrow is Friday. This week has been both slow and fast.

I don’t have anything to post today (seems like I never do anymore)

Went to bed at 9  last night, slept good. No dreams no nothing.  Alarm went off and I set the timer and slept another 30 minutes.  Now I’m running late this morning, but I’m not too worried about it.

Although the Operations Training this week is very interesting, and in some ways better than regular work, I do miss the beach lunch hours. Next week will be back to normal.

Have a great day!

Disturbing Dream

Last night I dreamed I was in the electric chair. I was tied up in front of a mirror. Then they turned on the juice and it hurt like hell. Then they turned it off and the doctor came with his stethoscope and I thought “Oh crap, he’s going to know I’m not dead, I’m not going to make it out of this one”. The doctor shook his head “no” and I looked away, because I didn’t want to see when they were going to flip the switch. Then they flipped the switch, the pain started and I woke up. I saw it all in the mirror.
Also they killed this pretty girl, she  was tied to her chair, leather strap in her mouth, head back with a look of extreme pain on her face. I thought “She would have been a good girl for me, if we had met before, they wouldn’t have had to kill either of us, now we’re both dead”.

I’ve had similar dreams before.

Training At Work

This week, I am in training for work, all week. Yesterday, day #1,  was interesting.

Ditto seems much better today. He came begging fora treat when I was taking my blood pressure medicine/vitamins this morning. I gave him a cod liver oil pill.

It rained this morning for about 5 minutes, but now it seems clear. I’d rather go to the beach today than work. This is a perfect Caribbean morning.

I feel kind of scatterbrained this morning. I find it interesting how I feel different day to day. I had a dream last night that my boss and I were wrapping teacups in paper.

That’s all for today, take care!

Rough Morning For Ditto

Ditto’s having a rough morning. Having trouble standing and walking and if you watch him, he has little “tremors”. This morning he was very loving, licking my hand while I held his head.


I’m worried about him, home alone all day. Sometimes he slips spread eagle on the tile floor and can’t get traction to get up.

I gave him a pain pill and hope that it helps him through the day.

Happy First Day of Summer*



Happy First Day Of Summer (in the northern hemisphere) and Happy First Day Of Winter to everyone else!

At 11:39 local time this morning, 16:39 UTC, the sun will reach it’s northernmost point in relation to its orbit around the earth. Today is the longest day in the northern hemisphere and the shortest day of the year to everyone else.


To me it’s kind of a sad day because, well, ya know, the days are getting shorter. In reality though, it’s the first day of summer and the hottest part of the year is coming!

Speaking of the hottest time of year, yesterday we got a new hot tub. But I don’t think we’re goingo turn the heat on (yet)


Maybe when we get into the cold dark winter.

Have a good Sunday and a GREAT SUMMER! (in the northern hemisphere. Have a great winter everyone else)

Friday Again!

You’ll be happy to know that I got my lawnmower back yesterday, all safe and sound and clean and shiny and fixed

Story on the news today about stowaways on British Airways, one almost dead and one found on a rooftop, fell out when the wheels opened. It’s not official yet though.


Saw an overturned cement mixer yesterday on the way home from work. Took some phone photos.

That truck had to be going a bit fast to do that. There’s a driver looking for a job now probably..

Weather is still weird, I’m ready for sunny days again!

Have a good weekend!

Thankful Thursday

I went to the beach at lunchtime yesterday, but the water was kinda  rough, and I didn’t go snorkeling. Today would be a good day for some underwater pictures, but I don’t have any new ones. I don’t have anything to post about, either.

9 people killed in a church in Charleston.
60 million immigrants worldwide right now, people who have fled their homes and countries because of wars and conflicts.

I’m lucky and glad I live where I do. All my problems pale in comparison to what many have to deal with.

My lawnmower is broken.
Dog pooped on the porch.
Waves too big to get photos at my beach lunch.

I’ve got a full set of problems right now. Six months ago I had a full set of problems. Six months from now I’ll still probably have a full set of problems. On a good day, maybe I get rid of five old problems and only get three new ones, on a bad day, maybe I get five new and only get rid of three. But right now, I can’t remember what my full set of problems were six months ago, and six months from now, I probably won’t remember what my full set of problems is today.
The secret of life is not to wait til I get rid  of all my problems and finally have a perfect life, the secret of life is to be happy, even with my unresolved problems, because my “in box” will  never be empty.

This is something I know, but forget all too often.

Have a good day.