Missile Hits Poland

..Two were killed when a missile landed on the Polish side of the border with Ukraine. So far, it looks like it was not fired from Russia. I hope NATO can keep its focus.

This Putin guy, as he gets backed into a corner, is more and more desperate, and crazy and unpredictable. To his people, he’s trying to portray himself as a victim and forgets he started the whole thing.

It’s time for him to go.

It’s Up To Ukraine

Russia again has said it cannot tolerate Ukraine joining NATO.

Russia wants Ukraine to be a neutral country, demilitarized. I guess it’s up to Ukraine to make this decision.

in Russias shoes, the USA would not tolerate the same situation.

The invasion is terrible, but the west seems to have been ignoring the Russian point of view.

Safe Arrival

My mother and sister arrived yesterday. They seem to like the apartment pretty well. My mother said it was much larger than she expected

I’m taking the day off work today. Nothing special planned. It rained a little on my morning dog walk.

In the news, Russia says it is looking for a diplomatic solution. The west seems to be ignoring this and threatening sanctions. Options are: make Ukraine a netural country, or do not let them jioin NATO. Ukraine joining NATO is understandiblly not an option for Russia.

Today is the ex wifes birthday. Happy Birthday ex wife!

Ukraine & Russia

It’s Thursday, I have no topic.

i could post about Russia and Ukraine, I think outside forces are stirring it up more than the participants. For Russia, it must seem comparable to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ukraine becoming a neutral country was mentioned, and it sounds like a solution acceptable to all. But other parties seem to want war. Joe Biden keeps saying “if Russia continues to partially invade Ukraine.” He’s purposely clouding the picture and sowing misunderstanding.

im not getting into it more than that. I didn’t want to post about it anyway.

Have a good Thursday.

See you tomorrow.

Anxious Friday

I didn’t sleep well last night. I kept thinking about something, I don’t know what. This morning I feel, I don’t know, nervous. I just want to get this day over with.

There’s nothing wrong, No reason for me to feel this way, It’s all in my head.

Last night, Movie night was kind of disappointing. The prices were much higher, and My hamburger was much smaller. The waiters and waitresses were telling everyone to complain about the prices. The place was much lower capacity than usual. The reason is, That because of covid the hotel was closed, just the pool restaurant and beach bar was open. Now, With the opening of the hotel, I guess the management is greedy for some rapid cash. The Weston has a bad reputation for discarding the locals, They were nice when they needed us, but once they get some overseas visitors, they’ll turn their backs on the ones who kept them afloat. We’ll see, hope I’m wrong.

I don’t want to be negative, on this fine Friday morning, so I’ll bid you adieu and say “HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!

Second Monday

Yesterday was a holiday Wednesday for the election. Today seems like the second monday this week. Glad tomorrow is the second Friday this week. I am very tired right now. I closed my eyes and could have fallen asleep while walking the dogs this morning.

Here’s a picture of Ashy, our cat, taken yesterday. She’s resting up for bedtime.

I’ll be perusing the election results today, but at first glance this morning, seems like we did coulda done better.

UK to Leave the EU

I’m kind of surprised, anthough I figured it would be close. UK is an island(s) though, and they never adopted the Eurodollar.

Now Scotland is bothered. Part of the reason they stayed as part of the UK was to remain part of the EU.


Wonder how it will affect Cayman?

Monday Movie Review: No Escape (2015)

Last night we watched a movie called No Escape (2015). I put the year in because there are several movies entitled “No Escape”


US companies go into poor countries and get them a loan for a service they cannot afford, like roads or in this case, water treatment facilities. When the counrty cannot repay the loan, the company and/or the US government basically gets to strip the country of it’s resources in the name of collecting on the debt.

This movie is about an fictional country that revolted because their government drove them into a unpayable debt and economic crisis that basically goes on for lifetimes.

In the movie, a family arrives to live while the husband works as an engineer at aforementioned water treatment plant.

The day after they arrive, the revolt starts, and the government is overthrown, and the rebels start killing all foriegners. The story is about their escape from the country.

It was a very intense, bloody movie. Four stars on Netflix, but absolutely terrible “official” reviews on the web.

To me, the movie reflected a lot about what is going on in the world today, with the debt all over, and the rebellion culd be the only way to escape such a problem. After all, corrupt politicians betraying their countries and citizens for self profit is a big problem in the world today. isn’t it?

Definitely worth watching. Definitely.

I Now Believe Global Warming Is Real


When we were at (and on) the Athabasca Glacier, there were photos that showed the glacier receding over the years. My brother in law in Drake Bay, Costa Rica, last night was telling my wife about his colleague/associate/acquaintance has been measuring the decline in the numbers of frogs and snakes in the rainforests. When I got certified to scuba dive in 1981, we’d see sharks on practically every other dive, often groups of sharks. Now, seeing a shark is rare, one in ten or more dives.

Glacial decline has been measured since the 1850’s, (according to an article on Wikipedia), so I’m not sure it’s all humans fault, but I think humans main power is destructive and we need to change. I remember a book I read years ago, “Mutant Message Down Under”, and ask, Which society is more advanced? One that lives in a place 10,000 years, and you can’t even tell they were ever there? Or a society that practically destroys it’s environment with pollution and war in 250 years?

I think the answer is obvious.

Today is my first day back at work since my vacation. blah. Why do I have to go work to get money to buy a fish for dinner when I could just go out and get the fish myself. Because I also have to pay for my house and the bills. The whole system of money has something inherently wrong with it.