Good Weekend

It was a good weekend. I was supposed to dive this weekend but it never happened. I’ve been working on my car, that has a coolant leak. I found corrosion and holes in the manifold that holds the thermostat.Went to the beach this weekend and went snorkeling, took some pics but nothing spectacular. Now its back to work.
Also, on Friday, a cruise ship stayed late. I took this pic from my sundeck/roof, it was really dark, and I adjusted the shutter speed and aperture to get this pic.


There’s been a large Heron nearby lately. I mean like 4 feet tall. I saw him eating something, he swerved his head back and forth like a cobra, then struck like a snake. I don’t know what he was eating though.

These pics are from when he was walking in front of our house.

Sorry about the video quality, I couldn’t find the off button to stop the recording. And I was on maximum zoom, so it’s quite shakey.