Uneventful Friday, I Hope.

It’s finally Friday. This has been a long, slow week.

Today, I have a doctors appointment to get the prescription for my blood pressure renewed. Hope I can get in and out of there without the doctor making a big deal, demanding a bunch of tests..

No weekend plans.

Two weeks till Italy!

What Would Happen…

What would happen if I just went to sleep whenever I wanted? Would a regular sleep pattern develop?


I usually have a flash of tiredness after dinner every night. What If I went to bed then? I’d probably wake up at 11 or 12. Then what?

I usually wake up at 3 or 4 every morning, I’ve learded to force myself back to sleep. (It isn’t that hard, believe me!) What if I got up then? How would I make it through the day at work?

There’s lots of interesting information if you Google “two sleeps”

It would be an interesting experiment to try sometime.

I find it hard to believe that it’s Thursday already. When the week started, it seemed insurmountable.

Have a great day!

Cat Photos

I’m becoming quite enamored with our newish cat, Ashy.




We’ve had her about 6 months. She’s an indoor cat. I still love our 5 outdoor cats too!

Tired Tuesday

Stayed up late last night, tired this morning. We had a friend whos visiting the island over, hamburgers on the grill. I am very sleepy and have a sore throat.

Have a great day!

Monday Movie Review: No Escape (2015)

Last night we watched a movie called No Escape (2015). I put the year in because there are several movies entitled “No Escape”


US companies go into poor countries and get them a loan for a service they cannot afford, like roads or in this case, water treatment facilities. When the counrty cannot repay the loan, the company and/or the US government basically gets to strip the country of it’s resources in the name of collecting on the debt.

This movie is about an fictional country that revolted because their government drove them into a unpayable debt and economic crisis that basically goes on for lifetimes.

In the movie, a family arrives to live while the husband works as an engineer at aforementioned water treatment plant.

The day after they arrive, the revolt starts, and the government is overthrown, and the rebels start killing all foriegners. The story is about their escape from the country.

It was a very intense, bloody movie. Four stars on Netflix, but absolutely terrible “official” reviews on the web.

To me, the movie reflected a lot about what is going on in the world today, with the debt all over, and the rebellion culd be the only way to escape such a problem. After all, corrupt politicians betraying their countries and citizens for self profit is a big problem in the world today. isn’t it?

Definitely worth watching. Definitely.

Lincoln Lawyer


Last night the Wife and I watched the movie “The Lincoln Lawyer”, it was quite good. Highly recommended to see in the theater or on TV.

Lawyer’s defending a client for assault and finds out he’s guilty. Also, his client framed someone for the assault. AND he enjoys seeing innocent people go to jail for his crimes. AND he’s done it before. Super good. Much better than expected.

Thursday. Nice day. I feel like taking the car instead of motorcycle though. don’t really know why. Traffic. Parking. Everything’s a hassle with a car. Motorcycle’s the way to go.

We’ll see.

Have a good day! Watch that movie! You won’t regret it!

Mid Week Post

Slept pretty good last night. woke at 4:30, which is better than earlier. I’ve been taking melatoin every night for years, I think it wears off about 3AM…

Yesterday was HOT! A taste of summer. Then yesterday afternoon, a cold front rolled in, and it started raining minutes after I got home on the scooter. Now it’s cloudy and breezy but not supposed to rain anymore.

Today I have an eye doctors appointment. First one after I got my new glasses, six months ago or so.

Guess that’s about it for today, Have a good day!

New Sleep Pattern

Seems like for the past few weeks or months I’ve been waking up about 3:00 or 3:30 ish, and being wide awake till about 4, then being sound asleep and brain damaged when the alarm goes off at 5.

In the olden days, I could not fall asleep, now I drop off pretty quickly, but notice the waking up in the middle of the night lately.


Fitbit sleep pattern

And weird dreams in the morning sleep.

I wonder if I ought to just start getting up at 3:30 or whenever I wake up/

Banana Harvest 2


Yesterday we harvested banana batch #2. Our first batch was very good. We had another batch start, but the bananaweight broke the stalk, and, well, this could have been batch number three.

It was a good weekend, seems long, which is good. Good weather lately. I’m  not really ready for the workweek though.

I also hung up a shelf that holds pots and pans for the wife this weekend. She likes it, and that makes me happy. The Wife was all busy this weekend, cooking and cleaning and buzzing around while I just kind of lazed around and took naps.

Have a GREAT week!