That Streetlight Thing

Sometimes, when I feel too lazy to run in the mornings, and feel theere’s no justification for walking, I do the streetlight thing. I run to one streetlight, walk to the next, then run to the next, and so on and so forth. That’s what I did this morning. Monday morning.

It was an allright weekend. Saturday, went shopping with the Wife. Sunday I worked on a project at home.

not much of a post today. Have a good week!

Photo Friday

I’m glad this week is over, I entered this week with no hopes of it ever ending, and because of that, it went quick and mostly painlessly. (First week back after vacation time off….)

Here’s some random pics:

Beach scene

Sunset pic

a cool wood dresser

My Dad and his parents, first and only pic of my grandfather I’ve ever seen.

Sheba and me at the beach

Creepy dolls from an art festival we went to couple months ago

Do NOT start your engines!

Beach pillow selfie.

The Toothache and the Cold

Yesterday I left work and went on an emergency dental run. I had a toothache so bad.. The night before, it was sensitive to cold ery bad, and yesterday, It got worse and worse.

The dentist re-did the filling on the hurting tooth, it still hurt as the novocaine wore off. I had pretty crappy sleep the last two nights.

This morning, it doesn’t seem as bad. I’m wondering if it’s part sinus infection from my cold last week, I’m still pretty stuffy headed.

My dentist has been saying for quite a while that I need a root canal… The filling goes very close to the nerve. Why do teeth have nerves anyway?

I started a new abs program after my morning run. This morning was the first day. I like it so far.

Have a great day

Life On The Run

Last night I had a dream that my sister put sticks on my car, a 1975 Plymouth Gran Fury, that my Mom and Dad had when I was in high school.

After that, my wife and I fled my evil sister and mom, and lived a life on the lam. It was strip clubs, sex toy shops and cheap motels after that. But mostly I remember drivin the car.

Right before I woke up, a very tall, thin woman with short blue aluminimum foil hair was leaning down to kiss my wife. Then I woke up.

Proper Post

I haven’t been posting much lately, I was on vacation, my cousins were here, and I was sick. Yup, I was sick almost exactly perfectly the same time as my vacation. got well just in time to go back to work.

Here’s some pics of the cousins visit:

Got the house sold, their bank refused to wire the money to Cayman, so the realitor is FedEx-ing a check.

And that’s about it. I’m ready to head to work.

Have a great day!