Daisy Data & Friday Back To Work

It’s back to work for me today. It was a good couple of weeks off with visitors. There were a few workdays in between. Now I’ll have a lot catching up to do at work

Daisy was at the vet for a follow up from last week. She has a damaged ligament. The doc didn’t know if it was genetic or from an injury. (She seemed to lean toward genetic). Daisy is on pain pills and bed rest for another week. The doc specified “in her kennel except for bathroom walks.” I feel sorry for her, staying in there all day. Even though she’s been kenneled most of her life, it seems sad now that she’s forced to be.

Hope you have a good Friday and Great weekend!

Jupiter – Venus Disappointment

Last evening Venus and Jupiter did NOT align as I expected them to. They were a pinky fingernail width apart. I expected unity!

Today my cousin and his wife depart. I enjoyed having them here. (It just this second occurred to me that a job as a tourist host would be a fun job for me)

Also today Daisy is going back to the vet for her follow up. I can’t tell how she’s doing, sometimes she seems ok, 5 minutes later she acts like she’s in pain. When in doubt, check her out, I always say.

Have a wonderful day!

Cousins Last Full Day

My cousin and his wife fly out tomorrow. Today is the last full day. It will probably be a beach day today. We went to the Turtle Farm yesterday and it was quite nice.

Above are a few pictures from yesterday. Have a great day!