Yesterday’s Sunrise and Sunset

I took a picture of the sunrise yesterday, no reason, I just thought it looked good

Then driving home last night, the sunset was nice so I took a picture while I was driving and it came out pretty good!

I cropped it, but it’s not bad for a random moving shot! In the lower left you can see a parked car windshield and on the right is Mr Arthur’s Store and a piece of my car door. (Mr Arthur’s Store and a piece of my car door,.that rhymes!)

Then this morning I thought “I can post a post about yesterdays sunrise and sunset!” Genius!

This brings us to the present moment. Friday morning, nice day. Going to work today and a birthday party tonight.

Have a great weekend!


Im about a quarter of the way through this book, Circe. I’m really enjoying it I don’t know what is different that makes the writing so special. In a nutshell, the book is about Greek Mythology.

Circe becomes a sorceress after she is rejected too many times. She leans how to change people into other forms. Because of this, she gets banished to an island. This island is referenced in the book Homers Odyssey, which has been on my reading list forever.

This book is good, highly recommended and very interesting.

Yesterday we had tons of rain. Now something is wet in my cars ignition and it’s giving me problems.

Have a good day!