
COP28, a big meeting discussing and commiting to action to reduce emission of greenhouse gases that cause global warming just finished.

Im no expert on global warming but don’t deny that humans contribute or actually caused it, but I think that there’s another thing, vastly more important to watch.

The air we breathe is approximately 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen. Those numbers haven’t changed, no matter how much carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and crap we produce or what we burn and stuff we do on this planet.

Science doesn’t know or understand how these numbers remain so constant, the 21% and the 79%. But I think if we see these numbers change, you will see a rapid change in this planet.

Maybe global warming is caused by the Milky Way drifting towards some gigantic heat source. This planet has had ice ages, and whatever the opposite of an ice age is, before.

The planet will be fine, we humans are going to kill ourselves.

Taco Tuesday Tasteless Buds

Yesterday me and the boys from work went to Taco Tuesday at a local restaurant. I asked for hot sauce. Their hottest sauce, to me barely had any heat. I remember hot sauce and horseradish that would clear your sinuses and make it so you could feel your hair growing.

Not anymore. I can’t find any hot hot sauce. Prepared Horseradish no longer sends the explosive fumes up through my skull. No more insta-sweats, red face or elevated heart rate. No more near drownings, guzzling water after a hot bite.

I live in a bleak, coolsauce world.

I wonder, do my taste buds wear out like my ears and eyes as I get older? I’m trying to grow some horseradish, maybe I’ll add peppers and delve into some high heat experiments.

everything else seems to taste normal, it seems that only the hot is gone from the hot sauce. Is it me, or have you noticed it too? Tell me I’m not crazy!

Have a great day!

Small Business Holiday Matket

It was a nice weekend. I went diving yesterday. Friday afternoon I went to a first night of Chanukah event. On Saturday I went to the Small Business Market. It was quite nice. I imagine myself doing something similar with wood.. Make something I could sell…

Here it’s been raining all night and it continues to pour. I didn’t see it coming!

Happy Monday , have a great week!

Improved Attitude

I’ve decided I’m going to improve my attitude. I have been becoming more aware of my negative thoughts and am able to reverse this process towards the positive.

What I’m talking about is an improvement at one level just one notch under the conscious level of normal awakeness. Improving the content of the brains background chatter..

I can do it. It will work.

have a good weekend!

Dec 7th

I was sleeping hard when the alarm went off this morning. Dreaming I was doing dangerous things. Like trying to drill moving parts. One dangerous thing after another. Not following safety rules. I wish I could remember, some were amusing.

Dec 7. Pearl Harbor. Manrique died.


I got home yesterday without a hitch. Now I’m on the regular morning routine, Back to work.

Some shots from yesterday

Have a good week! It’s Wednesday already!

Travlin’ Tim In DC

Travlin’ Tim took a trip down to DC and took in the sights. Then we went to the boat parade down at the Wharf in DC. Technically, the Potomac River. We had good food and there were some very good bands playing music.

It was in the 50s, temperature wise. Very warm for this time of year in this area..

Tomorrow is my last full day here, Tuesday I head home.

Note To Self

Note to self for next trip out of the tropics. BETTER TO HAVE CLOTHES TOO WARM THAN NOT WARM ENOUGH!

Even their warm days are too cold for me. I brought sweatshirts and a jacket but I need more sweatshirts and jackets!

Sunrise from the great white north.

Have a great day!