A Couple Days Off

Wednesday (tomorrow) is a holiday here. I’m taking a couple days off and go back to work Thursday.

I woke this morning thinking about retirement. Is this couple days what it’s going to be like? Nothing to do? No family or friends or anyone to talk to or spend time with?

of course I have things to do, and people to talk to, it was just a view I looked at this morning. I haven’t ever really been unemployed, and haven’t been good at spending free time. I guess I better get good, huh?

Havva great day !

Cayman Roundup 2024

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The Cayman Islands 15th annual Roundup starts tomorrow. As usual, I am providing the sound system and recording the audio.

I’m taking a vacation day tomorrow to get set up. The venue, the South Sound Community Center, has been undergoing remodeling and I hope it’s done and fully functional!

It should be a great weekend!

Quite Damaging Nor’Easter

Our Nor’Easter continues , there was quite a lot of damage to the waterfront. It reminds me of Hurricane Michelle, which, from far away, sent huge waves that broke open the turtle farm and put a big wave through my apartment in 2001.

Above is a picture I took of Don Foster’s Dive Center. The waves were regularly hitting the porch (on the left) while I was there. The porch itself was full of sand and the furniture was missing or broken.

I’m sure there will be more pictures coming out today

Hurricane Michelle did $28 million in damage, I’m sure this will compare. And this nor’easter is pummeling us for a longer period of time.

More to come.


We’re having a real windstorm right now. On the dog walk we saw some big branches down and some cables off of light poles (looked like fiber-optic cable)

theres driving rain and winds gusts about 40 kilometers per hour. And it’s cold!

The system should be weakening from here on out, but I’m waiting for the sun to come up so I can see how my yard is…

Have a great day!

Happy 27th Anniversary To Me!

Yesterday was my 27th anniversary in the Cayman Islands. There’s been a lot of changes in those 27 years. Here’s to 27 more!

it was a good weekend, I cleaned and got the apartment ready for this week’s guest.

Thw weather is nice now, but supposed to deteriorate all day with gale force winds tonight

Well see how it goes. Have a great week!


My watch measures my HRV, Heart Variability Rate. It’s the difference between consecutive heartbeats in microseconds.

I don’t understand it. Higher is better. Why? An out of shape individual whose heart rate doubles when he gets up to go get another doughnut will have a higher difference in his pulse than an athlete whose pulse barely increases.

Mine is in the 60’s. Looking at the above graph, that’s equivalent to a 22 or 24 year old. And 60’s is high, which is good according to all that I read.

But what about the unbalanced part? In the second picture, see the grey zone? Outside of that is unbalanced. See how it adjusted, bringing the grey up higher? No article I’ve read addresses balanced or unbalanced HRV. Search, and the link will take you to articles, but those articles don’t mention balanced or unbalanced. Including Garmin, the maker of my watch and the app that gives the data.


Either I’m in great shape physically, or I’m going to explode any second….

Have a great weekend!

No More Slack

Daisy has been really good at her no barking training.. I decided to leave her out of her kennel while I went out last night.

I came home to a little dog party. Lenny was on the sofa, (not allowed) and Daisy was on hyperdrive, bouncing around like a madwoman in a pinball machine. Lenny just wants to be rebel badass and impress Daisy. The worst he can think of is getting on the couch.

Apparently, this newfound freedom caused Daisy forget she’s not supposed to bark in the house and her barking kept me up again.

All training forgotten in an instant.

I’m the one who has to stop thinking the dogs have learned or changed and stop cutting them slack. I’ve done it before and always tell myself not to do it again.

Oh well, they’re good dogs, They just need to be “managed”.

Cold, cloudy and windy here today. The temperature probably won’t even reach 80⁰.

Have a great day!