Sunrise & a New Cat

Above is yesterday’s sunrise. It’s already hot today, 5AM and it was hot in the dark.

Not a great shot, but a new cat has been getting fed with the cat clan. She looks like a relative of Albie, a cat from years ago who for some reason, I’m sure was taken by an owl.

So Happens It’s Tuesday. Havva goodun’!

1000 Days

Today marks 1000 days of Duolingo. I’ve studied Spanish most of my life but still can’t speak it well.

And! quite by coincidence, Perseverance Rover celebrates 1000 days on Marsh same day as my 1000!

It was a good weekend . Sushi Friday, Shopping and relaxing Saturday, and did a boat dive with the British Sub Aqua Club yesterday.

Nice weekend overall.

Palm Trees & a Motorcycle Ride

Heres a shot from our dog walk this morning. Palm trees in the pre dawn light.

My car is in the shop, getting a seal replaced. It was waiting for the part for a long time. Last evening I pressure washed the oil stain from my driveway parking spot.

Im riding the scooter today, first time in a long time.

Hapoy Friday ! Have a great weekend!

Need A New Home For Daisy

This morning Daisy attacked Lenny and there was blood droplets on the floor when I got there. This is the final straw. She has never showed aggression toward a person, (beside barking) but if she ever bites anyone it will be already too late.

Just now there was a noise outside and Daisy jumped up growling and Lenny jumped up in a defensive manner. Who knows? If I wasn’t in the room maybe Daisy would have attacked Lenny again just now.

Crossword VS Not A Crossword

Below is a crossword puzzle, it comes three times a week in our 3 time weekly newspaper.

Below is NOT a crossword puzzle, in my opinion. It is a completely different animal, and isn’t fun to do. It comes once a week in our once a week Friday paper.

Why is the top one a crossword and the second one not? I don’t know. The above style ones are just creepy and they’re not any fun.

Do you do crosswords? Maybe you feel the same way? I don’t know what makes them so different. Their construction process?

Have a happy Tuesday and a good week!

Stress Sleep

It’s FRIDAY! and a long weekend here..

I’m getting ready to head out to work.

Unique bad sleep last night. Excellent deep and REM and light. But high stress. I couldn’t relax, I couldn’t get comfortable and the bed was annoying Also I went to bed about 2100, not 2257 Stress is usually 13-18…

I am ready for the weekend!

Earthquake Sunrise Runway

There was a small earthquake in Jamaica yesterday, we didn’t feel it here, I didn’t anyway, and didn’t hear anyone say they did.

this morning’s sunrise was quite spectacular I thought. Pictures below

And yesterday at work I got to go out on the runway about some stuff Tor the weather stations. Got a couple pics.

Aaaaaand tomorrow is Friday! Life is good!

Quest For The Best Deodorant ?

Underarm stuff is all weird. Some seem like they don’t wash out of my underarm hair in the shower. Some are uncomfortable and itchy. Some create redness. So a month or so ago, I did the search above and went out and bought the exact number 1 pick.

I don’t like it. The material it’s made of is a white solid. It leaves a visible film/residue/resin in the underarm.

The only thing I like is a clear liquid in a roll on, or the discontinued green “gel” in the Brut push up dispenser. Now Brut is the white solid ad described above. Below is the discontinued clear green gel I’m talking about. What I’ve been trying to find a replacement for for years now.

I wish it was easy, to find a replacement, like it’s easy about shampoo. Shampoo is easy. Ask and get a definitive, simple,consistent, answer.

Have a great day!