The trip.to the Caribbean side of Panama was good. I made an interesting observation though.

As a rule, the Atlantic is to the east of the Americas, (North America, Central America and South America), and the Pacific to the west.
In Panama however the Atlantic (Caribbean) is to the north with the Pacific being to the South. So, this morning, we were headed to Colon, on the Caribbean (or Easterly, by common knowledge and instinct). But, oddly, the sun was behind us, because the sun is almost overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn this time of year. The human brain tells us that when the sun is behind us in the morning, we are heading west. West being towards the Pacific. The opposite direction that we were going. It was an odd thing for the brain to grasp. The sensation of going west, away from the sunrise, was a very odd sensation indeed! I knew we were heading east, but it wasn’t really East because it was North, and it wasn’t really North because the rising Sun was behind me!
Do ya see what I’m saying? Really bizarre.
The Caribbean was nice, there are huge trees on the beaches, which you will not find in the Cayman Islands. There’s many small beaches, isolated and remote. Very nice. I had lobster for lunch.
On another note, humor, day before yesterday, when we went to the lake, I was with the family from France. They spoke French. Yesterday, I was with a rather large group that was the flight crew from Air France who was on layover in Panama. They all were speaking French too. Also the owner of this hotel and his wife, plus the tour guide operator, are all from France and all prefer to speak French.
Does anybody in Panama speak Spanish?
Have a great day!