The End Of The Olympics

I didn’t really follow the Olympics this time. What caught my attention most was the boxing, where the gender was in question of some of the contestants. If the contestant in question was born female, with a female passport etc etc etc, why was this contestant eliminated from previous events because of gender?

Also the open water swimming in the polluted river. The Olympics had the surfing portion in the Tahitian Islands. Why not have the triathlons and swimming there?

I understand there was the break dancing in the olympics?? Is that a sport?

I read an article recently about it not being worthwhile for a city to host the Olympics, The expense is millions on stadiums and facilities and then after the Olympics those stadiums and facilities are not used. The article went on to state that only two cities volunteered to host the Olympics. It used to be many cities wanted to host the Olympics.

But like I said, I have not followed the Olympics I see the clickbait headlines on the internet browser, I don’t know if my opinion is accurate or not. But the Olympics seem pretty disappointing for someone who didn’t even really look.

Happy Monday have a great day!

An Orange One

There’s an orange one on the map this morning, yesterday there was a yellow one to our south that must have simply disappeared. I just wish we would get some rain, it only rains In West Bay when we have a hurricane I guess. It will rain everywhere else in Grand Cayman except West Bay.

They say it can rain in George Town and not West Bay, but when it rains in West !ay, it’s raining all over the world!

Have a great weekend!

Centepede Bite

Last evening I got bitten (stung?) on my 4th right toe by a centipede. I was on my front porch with my hair trimmers, minding my own business when suddenly, OW!

This was my first time getting bit by a centipede. It kept me awake at first I couldn’t even lay down comfortably. I woke up this morning feeling fine. The pain lasted for about 6 hours I reckon. I might have had a little fever too because it seemed kind of warmer than usual in the air conditioning last night.

The centipede did not survive the encounter

I don’t know the benefit of these creatures to earth, same as mosquitoes. What could do they serve? I guess there’s a reason but…..

Tomorrow is Friday! The week went by fast. I remember monday, the week looked daunting and huge. Unsurmountable.

Back To Life

The plant I thought was dead is coming back to life quite nicely. Pictured is a small leaf, but also a huge leaf is unrolling, and another “spike” is coming up. I’m very pleased that I didn’t throw it out when I thought it was dead. I just left it where it was, I kept watering the dirt, and I don’t even know why. I’m glad I did though!

Happy hump day!

Dream Night

last night I had a lot of dreams. I dreamed I was in a jungle with a small car and I woke up when I came to a 2 foot “bump” that I couldn’t get over in the car. I think it was Panama

I had a dream that I was on a bicycle at a red light, when the turn lane arrow came on for me to turn, it wasn’t the green arrow, it was a big drop of water with a red plus sign on it a symbol like you might see on the water fountain where you would refill your water bottle at the airport or something. And it was a big screen TV across the roadway instead of your regular street lights. I woke up then, because when I didn’t know whether I should go or not. I was trying to see the symbol.. I was surprised nobody behind me beeped at me to get going.

Aaand I had a dream that I was in a restaurant with a group of friends, the manager came over and said the owner wanted to talk to me and one other guy because we had gotten into a big fist fight in the restaurant a few weeks earlier. We were walking to the manager’s office when I woke up.

There were a lot of dreams last night, it seems like I haven’t had any dreams in a long time. I was actually glad when the alarm went off for a change, and I feel really good this morning. So it was a good night’s sleep I think.

Have a great day!

Possible Next Car?

I saw this by the roadside for sale . Must be an individual imported it and is selling it. It has no plates. 289 km is about 175 miles, which means they’re going to try and sell it as new. I’ll probably call, but won’t pay top dollar for it. If I was going to buy new, Cayman has a dealer selling new with the warranty and rust protection and three years registration. I don’t want a new car, because of the instant depreciation. But I do like these Suzuki Jimnys. I don’t like that it’s yellow.

it was a good weekend with dinners out and beach (I didn’t get my eye wet yet) and lawn mowing. I don’t want to go back to work.

Have a great week!

Fourth Wing

Up to the halfway point, I thought this book was five stars. After the halfway point the romance overtook the plot and all was lost. One of the most disappointing books I have ever read. I just couldn’t wait for it to end. Biggest crash-and-burn ever. I’m sorry I don’t have anything nicer to say about this book. I gave it two stars on Goodreads

Near Miss (Maybe)

We had some rain this morning , much needed rain, I might add. There’s a storm headed vaguely in our direction but looks like it’ll be north of us. Hopefully we’ll get more rain.

Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

Sahara Sunrise

Above is this morning’s Sahara (dust) sunrise. If you zoom in you can see the Crescent Moon above and to the right of the telephone pole.

During the day, the skies are white instead of blue. Not really hazy, just a white sky instead of blue. The sky is blue in this picture, but trust me, it won’t last. It’s good weather anyway, I’m not complaining, just stating the facts. Sahara dust.

Above in the orange pot is a plant that had died completely, and is making a comeback from nothingness. I don’t know why I kept on watering the pot after the plant had died but I did, and left it in the house instead of putting it in the flower pot pile in my back porch. I’m looking forward to a healthier, stronger plant and I had before. These are opening right now, I think I’ll be able to show you next week.

Aaaaaand it’s almost Friday, Glad for that. Have a great day!

Swimming Again

When I had my cataract surgery, I received a printed handout from my ophthalmologist. That printed handout says “no swimming for 2 weeks”. My operation was 2 weeks and 2 days ago,

My faulty memory thinks my opthamologist said wait until after the first week in August I’m ready to swim now and feel like it would be okay, but perhaps I should wait another week?

What say you? I say swim. I know I shouldn’t scuba dive because of the pressure, this includes snorkeling because of the mask, it’s like a suction cup on the face (and eyeballs). And for lunchtime sea swimming I wear goggles, which again is like a suction cup on the eyes too, so I reckon I better wait.

Thanks for figuring out for me. I could have never made the decision without you!