It’s Monday again, after a nice quiet yet pleasant weekend . I did a lot of reading, and have some minor repairs underway. The weather stripping came off one of my doors, I was hoping I could repair it, but I’m going to have to replace it
Looks like we may have the next storm headed out way too.
So far, everytime I look, the track seems a little bit more and more north, which is better and better for Cayman.
Thursday I went and saw the movie Despicable Me 4. It was good, but I think the franchise is winding down now. I don’t think they’re putting as much energy into the script writing anymore.
But it was good! However, I would recommend you wait until you can see it at home instead of at the theater.
I realize it’s old, and has lived longer than its life expectancy, but you don’t sell your old car without making arrangements for a new car, and I think that the space station should be replaced before the old one is destroyed.
I went in for my one week (and two day) checkup yesterday. Reading the eye chart, the doc said I did better than ever before in his office. I felt like I couldn’t see well, but kept “guessing” correctly.
I was pretty pleased when I left there yesterday
Its almost Friday, it’s been a long week after being off all last week.
According to the article HERE, Sunday (the 21st?) was overall, the hottest day ever recorded. Average surface temperature 17⁰C or 63⁰F.
Ive been thinking that the afternoons have been been quite hot, hotter than normal.
When I first moved to the Cayman islands, scuba diving in the winter the seed temperature would be “calibrate your thermometer” 82° and in the summer it would be 86°. This never changed for many years. But now when I scuba dive it is warmer in the summer in ’86°.
I’m a little skeptical about this article, because I was just discussing how hot it was with somebody and then the link appeared on my Chrome. Like the walls have ears!
Here there’s thunderstorms and rain all around my house but no rain here. My yard needs rain.
today marks 8 days since I had my surgery on my eye. My vision seems roughly the same. I can tell there are changes, but nothing major.
When I look in the mirror, I cannot differentiate between the pupil and the iris in my eye. I can’t see the black dot. It’s just a dark circle. It was like that before. Looking at the full moon with my glasses on is pretty good but when I take my glasses off it looks misshapen and smaller, not a clear picture. Mid range, like across the street or across the room seems better without my glasses than with them. For reading I will still definitely need glasses. I worry about losing the ability to read, reading is my life.
I have another checkup tomorrow and we’ll be getting a new prescription for glasses in about another week or two.
I finished this boook over the weekend. I couldn’t put it down.
The years is 2034, US Ships put out a fire on a fishing trawler in the South China Sea. The US boards and finds that it’s really a spy boat.
China wants it’s trawler back, then sinks all three US Ships when the US doesn’t comply. They are somehow able to jam and disable all the ships weapons and communications.
A US Pilot, testing some stealth technology, goes into Iranian airspace The Iranians are able to remote control his plane and land him in Iran.
The US government has a huge black out of their computer networking systems. All internal and external communications are lost.
US sends two carrier groups to the South China Sea because of the lost ahips. Both carriers and all the support ships are sunk. The Chinese are able to jam all their onboard systems and the systems on the aircraft.
The USN loses a quarter of it’s fleet that day
The US pulls it’s ships from the North Sea to attend the South China Sea incidents. The Russians, unsupervised, blow up all the USA’s undersea fiber optic cables. They take over some NATO territory.
Iran takes over territory in and near the Straight Of Hormuz
Using World war II technology, the US nukes a Chinese city. In escalation, China bombs to US cities. The US makes preparations to nuke 3 Chinese cities.
that’s all I’m going to tell you, you have to read the book!
today is my first day of work since my eye surgery. We’ll see how the computer looks, my prescription in my glasses is not correct anymore. It will be interesting times.