Never Enough REM

My watch has been monitoring my sleep for a long time, somebody else had to take a look to point it out to me, I barely have any REM sleep.

in today’s it says not enough REM, but I never really noticed it until somebody told me about it. But I get some good deep sleep, huh?

my RMV is in the pits too, but nobody knows what that means.

Now I have to research REM sleep

Happy Wednesday!

above water and below

Here’s my above water shot, a picture of the eclipse taken by me yesterday . This was almost exactly 2:00 p.m. past the peak. It was mostly cloudy.

Below are some pictures that I took scuba diving on Sunday, day before yesterday.

Above water and below.

Remember there is no line where the sky or outer space starts or ends. When we are above water, we are living in the sky and kinda, outer space.

Have a great day!

Eclipse Day

Today is a big day, there’s a total eclipse across much of the USA. Down here we only get a little corner of the eclipse. But it will still be pretty cool. I’m just going to hang out here for the next total SOLAR eclipse in Grand Cayman.

Only 108 years and 65 days to go!

Only One Shower A Week?!?

Awww Hell no!

I read an article, somebody is saying we only need to take one shower a week. Read the article here.

I take at least 3 a day. Morning, after swimming, after work, before bed.

One a week? Only if you want to be a skuzzbucket!

This weekend a lot of places are getting an eclipse. Not here. I do hope to be under a total eclipse on a clear day someday, but that won’t be this weekend for me. I’ll be doing laundry and yard work and having a dog assessed. Below is an eclipse Shadow on Earth taken from the Mir space station.

have a great weekend!

Surprisingly Hassleless

Over the weekend, a tourist reversed into my car and broke the tail light. I never would have noticed but they waited for me and gave me their information, driver’s license and Rental Car info. I didn’t call the police I didn’t file accident report and I expected that the repair would have to come out of my pocket because I didn’t have a police report.

Yesterday I called the rental car place and took the papers to the rental car place. They told me “no problem” , took a picture of my broken tail light, and told me to get a quote.

I went to the parts store, the part was in stock, I got the quote, took it back to the rental car place, they wrote me a check.

I took the check to the parts store and got the part. I swapped it myself last night and I was surprised at the lack of hassle.

When I took the check to the parts department the person there said “I don’t know if we can take that check” , he made a phone call, they didn’t answer, so he took the check.

it was a not unpleasant experience, and I was pleasantly surprised.

have a great day!

Special High Intensity Training

this weekend I actually made some phone calls to find a new home for Daisy. She’s been here 5 years and still cannot walk on the leash without yanking my arm out she ignores me she is not learned the basics of living inside a house. She’s a very naughty girl.

But, I’ve had a change of heart, and I’m going to hire a special trainer to come in and see if any progress can be made in correcting her behavior.

Crazy Daisy Dukes better learn to toe the line.

Finished: Good Omens

I finally finished Good Omens. My review below. Thumbs down, for me.

The first half was good, but I think it declined after that. To me, the humor was cheesy, and there seemed to be a lot of unnecessary side story. I thought the climax was anti climactic, without emphasis. It was just …over. But the book kept going on and on after the ending.

Your opinion may vary. A lot of people really really like this book, and I can see why, but it just didn’t do it for me.

4 Day Weekend

Day one of the four day weekend starts with dick clouds and strong winds, and no rain. It is not going to rain no matter what, Seems like.

I’m still seeing a counselor about my divorce. But it not really about the divorce anymore.. My counselor said yesterday that my self-loathing undoes the therapy in between sessions. I recommended a lobotomy. Ha ha!

Have a great weekend!