Baby Triggerfish

Had a nice dive this weekend. Favorite thing I saw was this juvenile triggerfish. About as big as a quarter.

Also there is a beautiful sunrise right now.

Have a wonderful week!

Blog Needs A New Home

I got an email yesterday saying that my host is going out of business and I need a new place for my site

i briefly considered letting this blog go down with the ship. It’s been a long time. When I started, I didn’t know what blogging was and wanted to find out.

Now, after years of never really having a purpose or theme, I considered letting it go.

But I won’t I like going back in time and see what I was doing years ago. It’s a diary or journal blog, so I guess there is a theme after all.

Happy March First! Happy Friday!

Dress Like An Adult

ive never really consciously changed my dress code. I’ve always just worn whatever I wanted with little consideration. I realize I still dress the same way I did in high school , jeans and t-shirts.

Maybe I should quit wearing T shirts and wear polo shirts. Maybe I should quit wearing jeans and start wearing Dockers.

After all, I’m all grown up now. Other than that, I don’t see any reason.

Have a great day!

Taxes Done

I owe not nearly as much as I thought I did yesterday . I was counting the same income more than once.

I’ll hopefully have them done by the end of this week!

Flying Low

Im doing my US taxes and it looks like I’ll owe in the neighborhood of a hundred grand. Trouble at work, trouble everywhere. And when I have trouble with everyone around me, it’s usually isn’t all if them, it’s me…

Im in a low place, I have a lotta lotta lotta things to be grateful for, but I’m still going through a rough patch.

Continuous Improvement vs Holding Steady

Some things, if you put a fixed amount of time into them, you will continue to improve. For example, if you practice your musical instrument for an hour every day you will continue to improve. It seems like this isn’t so with physical activity, it seems that one must continually increase the amount of time that they spend doing that activity to see improvement in physical ability and technique of the activity.

I do my morning exercises daily, I do the same routine. I spend the same amount of time, to fit with my time schedule in the mornings.. if I wanted to improve I would have to increase the amount of time or exercise that I did. If I play pickleball once a week, I will reach a level of competence in pickleball and not exceed that level of skill.

This isn’t feasible, for me to spend ever increasing amounts of time in every activity that I pursue. Time runs out.

What is the answer to this dilemma? Or am I completely wrong?

Happy Friday !

Safe Places

This morning I was thinking about my grandparents. It started with gratitude for their existence. I started thinking about how I used to like it when we visited them. It occurred to me just this morning that, besides loving my grandparents, their farm was a safe place, my father would (probably) behave himself and I didn’t have to be on guard against “attack” while at my grandparents.

When I was in my one year marriage in the year 2000, one particular friends apartment was a safe place. My ex wife and I would go there for dinner and a movie and I knew that for those four hours of hanging out, my ex would probably not go bat shit crazy. In hindsight, I was more or less constantly under attack from her except for those hours. I was vey aware of this peaceful sanctuary, even then.

It occurrs to me that since then, there have been very few similar places. Even this house, my house, with me in it by myself isn’t, and I’ll have to figure out why.

There’s also “Safe People”, trustable. My 15 year ex wife started out “safe” (I’ll have to define what Safe means in my head too.) but changed to unsafe so subtly I didn’t notice the change. I’m aware that I’m probably not a “safe person” to other people either, by my own definition, whatever that is. I’m moody and sometimes crabby and perceive threat when there is none.

It’s odd that I’m just thinking about this now. I know someone has discussed the concept with me before, but I didn’t hear or understand or couldn’t apply it till now.


Phone In Bed

I have to stop with the three “It’s” in bed Twitter, Tumblr and TikTok. It keeps me awake too late. Sometimes almost 10:30 or 11. I don’t have any other social media, (except unused LinkedIn.)

I need sleep. More sleep, better sleep all sleep. I like to read, but the phone gets in the way of reading, book in hand, phone on book. By the time I put the phone down, there’s not time to read.

i gotta try to get control .

It’s very cold and winds from the north again this morning. I went to my swim spot yesterday and it was very rough. I think I’ve swam twice in the past 2 months.

Not a very positive post today…

Havva goodun anyway !

Rare South Atlantic Tropical Storm

Low pressure off the coast of Brazil morphed into a tropical storm Sunday.
The South Atlantic Ocean typically doesn’t see many such storms.

Tropical Storm Akará. Read the article HERE.

The weather seems weird everywhere, here too. Normally January through March or April is clear weather with no significant features. Sunny and clear every day. Now we’re getting front after front, rain and wind and waves.

I didn’t realize that tropical storms were a rarity in the South Atlantic. I just knew southern hemisphere seasons are opposite than the northern hemisphere’s.

Happy Tuesday! Have a great day!