My watch measures my HRV, Heart Variability Rate. It’s the difference between consecutive heartbeats in microseconds.
I don’t understand it. Higher is better. Why? An out of shape individual whose heart rate doubles when he gets up to go get another doughnut will have a higher difference in his pulse than an athlete whose pulse barely increases.

Mine is in the 60’s. Looking at the above graph, that’s equivalent to a 22 or 24 year old. And 60’s is high, which is good according to all that I read.
But what about the unbalanced part? In the second picture, see the grey zone? Outside of that is unbalanced. See how it adjusted, bringing the grey up higher? No article I’ve read addresses balanced or unbalanced HRV. Search, and the link will take you to articles, but those articles don’t mention balanced or unbalanced. Including Garmin, the maker of my watch and the app that gives the data.
Either I’m in great shape physically, or I’m going to explode any second….
Have a great weekend!