R.I.P. Inka

I came home yesterday and found Inka, my newest, youngest baby cat dead. Apparently hit by a car. She was still a kitten, a young teenager in cat years. She was feral and just starting to let me pet her. She would have been a great cat. It’s hard to find a cat who’s accepted by the other cats and gets along well enough with the dogs

Inka had a bad rear foot. It was curled and she walked (limped) with the top of her foot on the ground.

All my cats love to lay in the middle of the warm road. I have always feared coming home to find one run over. I wish they’d all just stay inside the fenced yard all the time.

R.I.P. Inka

Day of Firsts

First workday of 2024. First post of 2024

Pretty much everything I do today will be the first time this year.

I’m looking forward to 2024. I can’t ever remember looking forward to a new year. Fear of getting older I guess.. This year I’m looking forward to a year of continuing positive growth and increased helpfulness to others.

Have a great year. It’s going to be one!

Last Workday Of 2023

today is the last work day of 2023. I have a few things I must get done for next year. Last night I was dreaming I was at work, and I kept asking myself “am I at work or am I just dreaming that I’m at work?” I also dreamed I was freediving and didn’t have enough air to make it to the surface when I open my eyes I wasn’t in the water anymore.

Wishing you, each and every one of you, my favorite of all my mega-trillions of daily readers a Happy, prosperous and healthy New Year!

Sick Day

yesterday almost as soon as I got to work, I started coughing and sneezing in my head got all stuffed up. Today I’m taking a sick day because I seem to have a very bad head cold.

I lay down and feel I should be at work, I get up and feel like I should lay down..



Boxing Back To Work

after the weekend, after christmas, and after boxing day, it’s time to head back to work. At the beginning of this holiday, it seemed like it was going to be such a long holiday. In hindsight looking back it was so short..

I rebuilt my outdoor workbench, but need more lumber and paint. I painted it with concrete sealer as an undercoat. (I always wanted to do that!) And now I have to paint it pretty.

I’m glad it’s Wednesday, ’cause it sure feels like a Monday. Blah

have a great week!

The Shortest Day

December 21, the winter solstice, shortest day of the year. First day of winter. Only in the northern hemisphere though.

After 10:27 local time, the sun begins it’s journey back north, away from the tropic of Capricorn on its way to the tropic of Cancer.

First day of winter in the northern hemisphere, first day of summer in the southern hemisphere.

Here it’s cold, low 70’s. Windy. I can hear wind howling across the front of the house right now.

I’ve been enjoying the darkness of the mornings this year I feel more like I own the time than I did in the daylight warnings of Summer.

Have a wonderful day!

Morning Brain Reset

I’m not sure I recognize the symptoms of being tired. Sure, I recognize sleepiness, but tiredness, and the symptoms like crabbiness and brain malfunction (having to reread something two or three times to get the message for example), I don’t attribute to you being tired. I think more along the lines that it’s the end of the world.

I don’t really think it’s the end of the world, but I don’t consider that it’s a temporary condition cured by a night of good relaxing sleep. At which I am, as you know, an expert.. Ha!

Even if I’m not a good sleeper, my brain seems to reset overnight and I feel better in the morning once I get up and get going.

that’s my sleep talk for today, happy hump day!