I got home yesterday without a hitch. Now I’m on the regular morning routine, Back to work.
Some shots from yesterday

Have a good week! It’s Wednesday already!
Travlin’ Tim took a trip down to DC and took in the sights. Then we went to the boat parade down at the Wharf in DC. Technically, the Potomac River. We had good food and there were some very good bands playing music.
It was in the 50s, temperature wise. Very warm for this time of year in this area..
Tomorrow is my last full day here, Tuesday I head home.
Got on the plane at Grand Cayman yesterday and sat there without moving for 3 hours. There was a dent in the cargo door that was measured, the dimensions sent to the USA, deemed safe and we went. Everyone on board missed their connections.
So I got to my mom’s after midnight,and now I’m drinking coffee.
Below are sunset photos from the plane.
Have a great day!
Today in my only workday this week. Tomorrow I head up to the USA
i spent the weekend getting the house and yard cleaned up for me to be gone. Mowed yard, decluttered the house, vaxuumed and swept and swabbed the decks. I washed the dogs. I have a house sitter staying here while I’m gone.
Below are pics of this mornings moonset and a no significant features sunrise.
Have a great week!
41 workers have been trapped for nearly two weeks in a tunnel that collapsed hopefully will be rescued soon.
This story reminds me of the Chilean Miners from several years ago.
Read the article HERE
.Hope they get the out today!
Here’s a pic of Lenny and Daisy. They had baths yesterday and feel really good.
Funny, normally I wash them on the back porch, ladies first, and Lenny can see what’s going on and try to avoid the bath. This time, I washed them downstairs in the front and Lenny was jealous Daisy and I were outside and he was alone indoors. When I opened the door he came bounding out excitedly. I wish I could have captured the look on his face when he realized it was bath time!
Both dogs resist a bath Lenny more than Daisy, but live it once it starts and afterwards.
have a great day and don’t forget to take your bath!