Ghastly Horrific

I got up this morning, showered, dressed and was walking the dogs when I realized “I FORGOT TO MAKE THE COFFEE!” O horror of horrors! I made coffee after the dogs and I got back and I’m drinking some now. Whew! That was close! I coulda been killed!While I’m on the topic of coffee, I guess I’ll let you know that I’m pretty settled in on Cafe Bustelo. I did an image search for Cafe Bustelo, and this is what I found. Bikini Girl Bonus! Cafe Bustelo is good coffee and affordable. Plus what I like is that it is consistent. I use one level teaspoon per cup in the coffee maker and I get the same good strongish cuppa coffee every time. I still love the good cup of Costa Rican when I can get it, but Cafe Bustelo is the best all around coffee I have found.

Hot Bikini Babe

I was having lunch by the pool in Little Cayman and I noticed this hot babe staring at me. She was a little thin.
Hot babes like this don’t want anything to do with you if you’re single, but once you get married, they’re all over the place, leering at you! She just stared at me the whole time I was eating, quite rude, actually!