Good Swim Yesterday

Since the last sea swim, I haven’t been doing much lunchtime swimming. We had a couple weeks bad weather with extensive damageto the ladders and the rinse off facilities, and laziness/motivation issues. Extra busy at work…

Yesterday was the second time I swam in about the last three weeks.

It was really good to swim yesterday. Enjoyable during and after the swim.It has to be priority again.

It’s almost Friday!

Dress Like An Adult

ive never really consciously changed my dress code. I’ve always just worn whatever I wanted with little consideration. I realize I still dress the same way I did in high school , jeans and t-shirts.

Maybe I should quit wearing T shirts and wear polo shirts. Maybe I should quit wearing jeans and start wearing Dockers.

After all, I’m all grown up now. Other than that, I don’t see any reason.

Have a great day!

In 2, 3. Out, 2, 3, 4.

This is me counting as I breathe when I wake up in the middle of almost every night. Exhale longer than the inhale to promote relaxation.

it’s quite effective if you’re trying to relax or get calm in any situation.

When you find your mind wandering, (and it will) return your focus to your breath. It’s about being in the present, not thinking about anything in the past or future.

Have a wonderful, relaxing day!