Picture of My Finger


I am all dressed for work, getting coffeed up, and ready  to go this  morning. Today I have training, so I won’t be in the office. (and maybe we’ll get out early, but don’t count on it)

Above is a picture of our backyard poinciana tree that I just took. Last year it had a few orange flowers but this year it’s in full bloom for the first time. We planted those two trees, (now grown together into one) five years ago.

I’m really enjoying our four chickens, I take them out for a walk every afternoon and I’ve been giving them flying lessons.

I just noticed my finger in the poinciana picture.. Oh well. Have a good HUMP DAY!!!

RIP Stripe. You Were Loved.

As many of you know, Stripe the Chick died yesterday. She had a short, bitter life. Her mother died when she was very young, and Stripe entered the foster care system with her brothers and sisters. Sunday she was  inexplicably and brutally attacked, and spent her remaining days in the intensive care unit, where she died Tuesday. Stripe was laid to rest in a small, private ceremony near the area where she was born


Stripe convalescing after the attack

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to your local Humane Society.


The cedar casket containing Stripe, lying in state, awaiting burial


Stripe in her final resting place. In Lieu of flowers, The Family requests that you please make donations to your local humane society.

Below is a video with Stripe, and her brothers and sisters. She has the brown stripe on her head, the second chick visible in the video. Stripe had a short life, but she was loved more than almost any chick ever was loved. Stripe will be missed and remembered.

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