
My wife got me a Fitbit Charge, she’s had one a while and likes it. I expressed an interest and she surprised me!


It seems pretty cool. It’s fun entering all the info from the food you eat, keeping track of everything. I especially like the  bar code scanner.

It measures your activity during the day, and how you sleep at night.

I wear it in the shower, but not in the sea, not sure how waterproof it is.. I’ll find out, but I’m pretty sure you can’t take it diving.

Superbowl was yesterday. Both teams sucked. Denver had no third down conversions but won it. Carolina didn’t play well at all either.

It’s Monday, I’m tired and crabby. It’s cold and wwindy outside…Good day for working, if there ever was


Have a wonderful week!

Happy October


Hard to believe it’s October already. When I was a kid, it seemed like the first half of the year went faster than the second, now it all goes fast. I remember when I turned 40, I thought “This is about half way through my  life.” Let me tell you, the second half is going a lot faster than the first. Turning 40 seem like about 5 minutes ago.

I guess most of the people who read this know I don’t drink, a big part of my not drinking is daily prayer. I pray for help staying sober, and freedom from anger, depression and self-pity, among other things. I really don’t hear much back  from God, I haven’t drank for almost 25 years, so that’s good, but this morning I got angry about 2 seconds after my prayer. As soon as I get up, the cat starts meowing. She’s staying in this giant kennel at night and when we’re gone, till she gets used to the place. We don’t want her running away. So, as agreed, I put the  cat in the bedroom, with my wife, and close the door, as discussed. Well, my  wife gets up, and closes the door better because the cat got out. She said “the cat got out”. No harm no malice, but it took it to mean “You didn’t do a good enough job putting the cat in the bedroom.” So I prayed again: “Ya know God, a little feedback would be nice. I got angry two seconds after I prayed for freedom of anger. A normal person would quit praying. I pray every day and don’t hear anything back. Maybe you have some divine way of operating or sending me a message, but if you send messages I can’t understand, what good is it? I gave up swimming after work because I need to come home and take care of the animals,I gave up studying in the mornings because I need to take care of animals. Do I need to give up my morning exercises too, to take care of animals more? WTF?”

My poor old Ditto is gone, maybe I can start swimming after work again.

That’s how I’m doing this morning.

Bizarre Dream

Last night I dreamed that I was at somebodies house with Ditto and  Sheba. There were several people there, half men, half women, and it was a two bedroom house. I didn”t know any of them. One guy was doing bong hits out of a bong that looked like the Star Trek USS Enterprise. I did a bong hit. (glad it was just a dream! I don’t do that anymore)
Then I went in the girls bedroom to use the bathroom and then I woke up on the bed and everyone in the house was gone. I don’t know how, but I found everyone at this bar. Then everyone was leaving, so I went outside too. The police were there, and  one of the guys from the house.  Apparently they found something in his car. The cop walked  out to the road and yelled at this station wagon, and it stopped. It was another cop. They went to the house dudes car, and pulled this huge thing out of the back. It looked like the dashboard, but it wasn’t. They put it in the station wagon.
I was standing across the street, watching. I turned away for something interesting (I’m forgetting part of the dream here), and when I turned back around, everyone was gone.
I realized I had no way to find anyone from the house, no way to find the house, and that my two dogs were in the house. Then there was a  pretty lengthy thought process about if anyone had ever lost their dogs before, who would take care of them, and ways to find where they  were…


This morning it was raining when I got up. Still pretty cloudy with a good chance of rain. Car day. I need to take the car anyway, as I need to buy a new ladder.

I applied for a job as a Audio Visual technician at the Ritz yesterday. I almost got up and walked out when I found the  pay was $7 an hour.  No one can live on that. Plus gratuities, but no one can tell you how much that’s going to be. I almost walked out but I maintained politeness.

I didn’t exercise this morning because of the rain, and  I almost forgot to make coffee. Coffee is going down good this morning! I gotta go get more!

Have a good day!

Decline In Jumprope Ability

I’ve been noticing these past few days (weeks) that my ability to jump rope has dwindled to nearly nothing.
As you recall, I started a morning exercise routine as a new years resolution on the 2013 to 2014 new years. Jump rope has been part of it since the beginning. Although I never got really good, I could jump a dozen or so times before tripping up, my record number of jumps is 50 or 60.

But lately I trip up on the first, second or third jump. Can’t explain it.

Doing OK on the sit-ups and leg lifts and pushups though.

Sheba our dog is really fat. Maybe she needs me to take her  running regularly….

Thursday Thoughts

Today the best I could get was 14 jumps.
The dogs are out in the yard and I am posting before my shower.
I have nothing in mind to post about so I’m just rambling
After I posted day-before-yesterday, I downloaded Wunderground. It seems by far the best weather app.
Glad it’s almost the weekend
That is all for today.
Over and out!

Jumping Rope

Day before yesterday, in the afternoon, I made a jump rope. I read an article about how good it was for you and thought I’d give it a whirl.

Yesterday morning I did 12 jumps without tripping up. Today was  23. I try  to go about 5 minutes.


I never jumped rope in my life till yesterday, but it got my heart pumping good.

Also yesterday, I stopped after work and swam. First time in a long time.

Try it! you’ll like it!

I could tell I was in a better mood last night and I slept relatively well.

Have a good day!