My cousin and his wife fly out tomorrow. Today is the last full day. It will probably be a beach day today. We went to the Turtle Farm yesterday and it was quite nice.

Above are a few pictures from yesterday. Have a great day!
My cousin John and wife are down visiting and they brought a memoir of his younger brother, Ken, who passed away several months ago. His Desert Storm ring. I was already out of the Navy by that time.
The above photo was taken June 1988, in Maryland. It’s good to have a reminder of my cousin.
Ken was poisoned by bad water at Camp Legeune marine base. He was a Navy Corpsman there .
Today Daisy is going to the veterinarian about her hips. She seems to be having a hard time getting up from a laying down position.
Happy Friday!
My first cousin, and probably oldest friend. Died yesterday. Apparently he was poisoned by water at Camp Lejeune when he was a Navy Corpsman there.
He was only a few months older than me.
i will be finding out more today.
My Aunt Aimee is sick. She has covid. She’s 103 years old and was in perfect shape until covid got her. I hope she can pull through
Mixed up the order of my morning routine this morning. Walked dogs first, before feeding animals and plants.
Not a big deal, seemed like I was saving time, but now, time to go to work comes same time as it always does.
Have a good day.
My visitors leave today, I am quite sad about it. It was a very short trip.
Yesterday was so rainy, we could barely make it outside. But we had a two meal day consisting of a late big breakfast and and a late big lunch.
The highlight of the trip, I suppose, was Jessika taking the intro to scuba class at Don Fosters.
I am so sad to see them go. My life is forever enriched, seeing Jessika again. She was born (with her twin sister, Veronika) on the day I got out of the Navy. I wish they were my daughters.
Tomorrow it’s back to work for me. This morning my weigh in was 163.8, pounds an alarming new record low weight.
Have a great week!
Happy International Women’s Day! International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, global holiday, celebrated annually on March 8 to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. (Wikipedia)
My mother and sister fly out today. It’s been a good visit. I’m taking them to the airport this morning and then going to work.
I hope you have a wonderful International Women’s Day and a fantastic Tuesday!
I meant to post at 200, but now it’s 210 days in a row I have been studying with Duolingo. I almost lost my streak once but found a way to earn Stars. (Once you run out of stars, they try to make you pay.) But by “practicing” lessons, you can earn Stars. Then you can complete a task in order to continue the streak.
My mother and sister fly out tomorrow. At first it seemed like 2 weeks was too long, but now it seems like 2 weeks is too short.
it’s another Monday, ugh. I slept ok, feel pretty good. I got a negative covid self-test this morning.(twice a week for work) and the weather is looking good for the next couple of days.
All is well. Have a good week too!