No Breaks!

Yesterday I had to report back again for jury and face the lineup to be selected for another case. It was delayed. One gentleman was very angry waiting, talking about the broken system, his rights being violated, his excuse note to get out of jury duty was rejected. We waited and waited, until we were told we had to wait till next week. Fine with me. I get to better keep caught up at work, read my book, and every day off is a day closer to the end of jury doodie.

its actually not that bad.

Happy Friday! I’m running late this morning!

Plea Change

My jury case is over. We heard all the evidence and both sides were getting ready to wrap it up and the defendant changed his plea to guilty.

Basically, at 3 AM he stopped at some apartments, allegedly looking for this girl. Saw an open door, thought it was her apartment and went in. Then he realized nothing looked familiar, he left. Then he decided to go back in to look for some painkillers. This time he ran into the tennant and they got into a fight. He escaped but turned himself in a couple hours later.

Today i report to possibly be selected for the next case.

Have a great day!