Backbreak Weekend

i hurt my back last week mildly at first then more severely Friday. I didn’t leave the house all weekend, except yesterday I went swimming to try and fix my back. It was painful swimming but overall felt good.

I’m not looking forward to going to work today. I may end up going to the doctor.

The Front Reaches

After a few days of what I think has been unseasonably warm weather, we finally got the cold front that has been affecting the United States. It’s not snowing or anything, of course but after a period of calm, it is now suddenly very very windy and cool. The image below explains It all. Doesn’t it?

I’m glad it’s Friday, I hurt my back exercising yesterday, and I hurt my arm and shoulder sleeping night before last, I’m a real wreck!

Have a great weekend!

Don’t Forget To Write!

It seems like kids today are forgetting how to write.

Read the article HERE.

People are on keyboards all the time, there’s voice to text and text to voice. No need to read, no need to write. For a long time, I’ve seen an increase of examples where people don’t know the difference between “To, Too and Two” and “Their, They’re and There” and the like.

I remember years ago reading article about igloos in Alaska, and the writer couldn’t find an Eskimo who still knew how to make an igloo.

Is it a cycle? We make life better, it gets easier for the offspring. Who lose their coping skills and cannot maintain the level of easiness that was provided for them. And the whole place goes to crap again and the cycle starts over.

I remember third grade, 8 years old, we started learning how to write cursive. I don’t think people have been taught cursive in schools for a long time. I remember a sample test from kids in the late 1800s schools. Incredibly difficult mathematics and English and writing, by the standards that I grew up with. And it’s been slacking off more and more.

Native American saying, “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”


It’s almost the weekend, have a great day!

Programming The Switch

Ive had the switch above in the house for years. It’s pretty good because it turns the lights off and on automatically. There must be a little battery inside it lets it keep its programming if the power ever goes off, but I think that battery might be dead. When the house loses power, the switch loses its programming. It is very difficult for me to program because the instructions are written in such a teeny tiny microscopic font I can’t read them. Also, the level of the light switch is exactly wrong for standing in front of it and trying to run to these programmable settings. I have to get a stool and sit on the stool to be at the right height. So, right now I believe I have it programmed properly however there must be a setting to activate or deactivate the program because although it’s programmed, it’s not going on and off automatically. I look at the instructions and just can’t see s*** when I look at them. I have to take a picture of the instructions on my phone and zoom in on the picture to read that. It is a pain in the butt.

That’s my rant for the day, have a good one!

PS:, it’s not as dirty and ugly as it looks in the picture, that’s the shadow from my phone taking the picture.

1001 Day Streek

This morning marks 1001 days of Om meditation in a row. I haven’t missed a day since I started a meditation class 1,001 days ago.

I would recommend meditation for anyone and everyone. The most important thing is to continue to meditate and maintain consistency. Trying to meditate is meditating. We take the action and we get the results.

Have a great week!

Whacked By A Door

Yesterday at work this big glass door broke off its hinges when I opened it and hit me in the head. The only thing holding the door in place was the shock absorber thing that keeps the door from slamming shut.

No harm done, it was only my skull. I’m very hard-headed.

Happy Friday!

The Edges Of A Grocery Store

My mom told me.something quite interesting, and upon careful observation, It appears to be true.

My mom said the all the good stuff is located around the edges of a grocery store, near all the walls.

I think it’s true! The fresh fruits and vegetables, the refrigerated items, meats and cheeses, all on the edges. The salad bar, fresh baked goods, and the hot food steam tables too. All the stuff that’s more healthy is more or less near the edges of the store.

In the center, are the dried goods, the preservative filled foods, the ultra processed foods. The stuff that can sit on the shelf for decades and not go bad, the stuff that’s not particularly good for you will be found in the center isles of the store.

This can save a lot of time, instead of cruising up and down each aisle every time I go to the grocery store, (and not finding anything I want to buy) I can just circle the outside and grab and go!

Thank my Mom for this grocery shopping hack!

Wet Macular Degeneration

Wet Macular Degeneration
Epiretinal Membrane

That’s what’s wrong with my eyes. The Wet Macular Degeneration was diagnosed yesterday in my “good” eye. Broken blood vessels and fluid buildup inside the eyeball. The treatment is a series of injections into the eye. Oh joy. Stick a needle in my eye, just what I’ve always wanted.

When I was a little kid, I saw a picture of someone having eye surgery. Thir eye was spread open and it looked like a fried egg. I’ve been afraid of eye problems ever since. All my dreams are coming true. I’ve had eye surgery, now I’m getting shots in the eye. Fantastic!

Invisible Cities: Book Review

I enjoyed this book, short chapters, each describing and imaginary (?) city. It seemed to me that in the beginning of the book the cities were quite pleasant, nice places to live. But as the book progressed, the cities got darker and darker and darker and the people became more and more unhappy.

The jist the book, Marco Polo is telling Kublai Khan about the cities. Kublai Khan at first thinks they’re real. Soon, Kublai realizes that Marco never travels, and it’s just making it all up.
AND there’s a moral to the story at the very end. I wonder if they’re referencing The Divine Comedy, Dante’s Inferno.

You’ll have to read it and let me know.

it was a fun book, short chapters make it super easy to read, and the interesting content stretches the imagination.

Happy Tuesday!