Brexit, As I See It

I”ve guess you’ve all heard about Brexit, very long, drawn out mess that has divided the people of the UK. Here’s Brexit in a nutshell:

You’ve got Northern Ireland, part of the UK, which is leaving the EU with the UK. You’ve got Ireland, not part of the UK, part of the EU. Not leaving the EU.

The UK wants to leave the EU but not have border control between Northern Ireland and Ireland. EU says “No way!, That’s like leaving the back door open for a bad neighbor!” The UK’s trying to figure a way to keep an open border that the EU will accept.

That’s it, in a nutshell, as I see it.

Funny thing, untill I started writing this post, I thought Ireland was leaving with the UK, and Northern Ireland was staying, shows that really, deep down, I have no idea what Im talking about.

I’m sitting here, listening to dogs bark in the front, but not doing anything about it. I’m your bad neighbor. Leave the back door open for me!

Have a great day!

Never Seen Anyone Else

I’ve never seen anyone else, walking theur dogs, getting all angry like I do about the dogs pulling them down the street. I HAVE seen other dogs dragging their humans and the humans not doing anything about it.

Never seen anyone else in their yards, furious, telling their dogs to quit barking at nothing. I HAVE seen people who leave their barking dogs outside 24/7 and don’t do anything about it. I don’t know how they stand it, let alone disturb the peace and wreck the whole neighborhood constantly.

I was furious this morning. I find their incessant barking intolerable. I walk them, they apparently think they are in control of the speed and where we’re going. Afterwards I leave them in the yard, and by the time I get out of the shower, they’re barking. I don’t want to be the neighbor with the barking dog in the yard all the time.

I remember getting angry with Sheba, but the wife says these two are much worse than Sheba. I don’t necessarily agree, I keep hoping these two dogs will learn, but her statement made me wonder. I’ve always said Lenny was incapable of learning, because he’s so timid, but with Daisy around, he doesn’t seem so timid anymore. When Daisy isn’t around, Lenny turns into his old self, running away and hiding at every encounter.

I’ve never seen anyone else get so angry as me, demanding control over his dogs.

Still Dorian

Dorian is still out there, no threat to Cayman, but nonetheless food for thought. I have friends in Hatteras and all over Virginia Beach, where Dorian is now. Plus news is coming out about The Bahamas devastasion.

I built my house with hurricanes in mind, but Dorian makes me realize that nothing can stand up to a hurricane. A structure may be rated to withstand winds of 250 miles per hour, but missing is the time factor, 250 miles per hour for how long?

The buildings here that survived hurricane Ivan in 2004 were weakened by the storm, will they survive another? My old apartment from Ivan seems fine now, but in the storm, a big section of roof was lifting and flapping in the wind. Now, gravity is holding it in place, but was it repaired? I doubt it. How many other similar examples exist?

Fear of hurricanes Friday.

The Following Story Is True..

…..the names have been omitted to protect the guilty.

Thursday Morning, September Fifth.

0525: Took suspects on their daily furlough, it was a normal, uneventful exercise routine. I say normal, except one of the suspects deficated in the middle of the street.

0550: Suspects were left in the yard of the compound, while the warden (me) entered the main building for normal preparation for the days activities.

O559: Heard commotion, coming from the yard, went to investigate. Upon my arrival, I found the suspects behaving pecularly innocently.

0602: Nabbed the suspect with the worse criminal record. Remanded her* to solitary.

0610: Upon returning to normal daily preparations, I noticed no further commotion coming from the yard, verifying the correct suspect was nabbed.

0625: Suspect in the yard was returned to main building. The suspected suspect was released from solitary. Normal mealtime was observed for both suspects. Order and normal routines have been restored.

We always get our…….. Pooch!

The suspects
  • (* Any good detective can figure out which of the above suspects is the guilty party..)

Stress Morning

Our neighbors must hate us. Dogs barking incessantly..

Me, drying off after my shower, feeling the immediate need to go out and shut those damn dogs up, but being inhibited by nakedness.

We are the people my wife and I complain about, leaving their dogs out barking all day and all night. (Except ours aren’t out all the time, they’re mostly indoors.)

The feeling that if I respond every time they bark, they’re training me, and not vice versa.

Controlling wild animals.

Snowballing Cuss Words

And other things snowballing similarly too probably..

Wife and I were watching some kinda space series on TV last night. The captain of the spaceship was regularly using the word “fuck”. On my Navy ship, the Captain might use the word when we’re on liberty or talking privately, but he’s not going to use it making a speech or addressing the crew.

Cursing, and probably other things are snowballing. First, it becomes acceptable in daily life and public. Then, it goes on TV where the next generation of youngsters thinks it’s the acceptable norm.

I bet, in the next 50 years, the President of the United States uses the word “fuck” in a televised speech.

I remember, in the late ’60’s, learning the words “fuck” and “shit”. And “piss”. I thought piss and shit were excellent words to describe what they were. I also thought that we invented the words, right there on the playground.

On a side note, one day, my best gradeschool friend told me in all seriousness and earnestness, that he invented diarrhea. I still razz him about that today! Not sure if he meant the word, or the …… actual stuff.

I remember using the word “fuck” on the playground, and a fellow 9 year old asked me if I knew what it meant. I didn’t, really, and he explained it using a bunch of words that I didn’t know what they meant either. Words like “vagina” and “sperm”. But I remember he gave an accurate biology lesson, there on the 4th or 5th grade playground at the elementary school. Pretty funny, looking back. I wonder who taught it to him?

What other things in society are snowballing like curse words? I think they’re the reason the older generations always think the younger generations are so fucked up!

Have a great day!

Hurricane Dorian

My heart goes out to those in the Bahamas, Hurricane Dorian, category 5, stopped right over them and is just grinding them to pieces.

I remember Hurricane Ivan here, it was moving slow as it went by in 2004. I’ll never frget it and hope to never go through anything like it again.

Pretty Frustrated Friday

I get pretty frustrated with the dogs some mornings, first off, I can’t seem to get out of the door without dog leashes wrapped around my legs. This morning, I told them to sit/stay, which they do pretty well, put the leashes on them opened the door with my back against the doorframe, and told them to go outside. There’s a huge space in front of me, virtually none behind me, yet one dog gotta squeeze behind me… Now I got leashes around my legs and I’m angry.

We get on the street, they’re pulling, every day, we work on “no pulling”, They “heel!” pretty good after the first block…

Today Daisy pooped in the middle of the street while she walked, crapping like a frikkin’ horse.

This morning, I just couldn’t handle it. After the first block, I was so frustrated I turned around and took ’em home.

Then I went swimming. Ahhhhh! Floating in the sea first thing in the morning is my favorite sensation. I’ll be thinking about it all day.

All my stress melted like sugar in seawater.

And it’s Friday! Have a good weekend!

Dawgie Day Care

On Monday and Wednesdays, our two pups go to dawgie day care. Cay9 Resort and Spa.

Nothing’s loading, just a stolen image…

The dogs love it, Daisy especially.

Daisy in the pool.

Although I think Daisy might be the school slut…

Lenny is more of a loner type..

But he and Daisy love each other.

I pick them up after work, they get in back of the van, happy (and wet), they come home, eat and fall asleep, exhausted.

I enjoy it that they enjoy it.

I was hoping for a sunny day, but the sky looked pretty dangerous this morning. I hear thunder as I type this and it rained last night.

I doubt I’ll get my scooter-to-work, beach-for-lunch day.. Oh well. It’s that time of year!

Have a good day!


The wife comes back from Costa Rica today.

I decided not to post today, but I changed my mind, even though I have no topic.

Rode the scooter yesterday for the first time in probably a month.

It was hard to wake up this morning.

Have a great day.