I just typed a very long post about all the weird dreams I had last night. I uploaded a photo of the track of Tropical Storm Ernesto, pressed the letter “N” for my next word, and the whole thing disappeared. I hit undo several times, but could not get my post back. Let me tell you, while I still think wordpress is better than Blogger, crap like that never happened on Blogger.
So lets start again, all pissed off this time.
I had a bunch of weird dreams last night. I dreamed I was going to be tortured by having my feet smashed against a wall with bricks. I was more concerned with having to stand there the whole time than the pain. I elected not to do it and walked away. This was on a ship, or a train.
I dreamed I was in this building carved out of a cliff. There were doorways with no doors, windows with no glass, and pools of green water in almost every room. I walked to the road and got on my bicycle and rode away, but forgot something and had to go back.
I dreamed I went to the cigar store and someone said “don’t buy any cigars today”. I wanted a cigar so I asked and the owner started yelling at me. Everything was all weird and different. The store wasn’t normal.
There were more on my first post, which I have forgotten already. Damn you WordPress!
It is a poor musician who blames his instrument.
At one point I woke up and my feet were where my head should have been and my head was where my feet go. I slept a lot, but not good.

Ernesto is gone and we got maybe two inches of rain, judging from my bucket outside. We need more. It has been raining regularly in town but not here. I was hoping for a direct hit from Ernesto just for the rain. It looks like today is going to get sunny again.
And that’s it for today. I have some work this afternoon at yet another radio station. Where’s the money? I work but there’s no money…