My second growing of bell peppers seems to be going much better than the first attempt. I was planning on posting a picture of the flowers I had yesterday, but they’re gone, replaced with pea sized peppers!
im so excited!
its supposed to be sunny today, then rain all weekend, all next week, and all next weekend. That’s as far as the extended forecast can stretch. Hopefully they’ll change their minds and throw some sunny days in the mix!
My visitors leave today, I am quite sad about it. It was a very short trip.
Erica, me, Jessika
Yesterday was so rainy, we could barely make it outside. But we had a two meal day consisting of a late big breakfast and and a late big lunch.
The highlight of the trip, I suppose, was Jessika taking the intro to scuba class at Don Fosters.
I am so sad to see them go. My life is forever enriched, seeing Jessika again. She was born (with her twin sister, Veronika) on the day I got out of the Navy. I wish they were my daughters.
Tomorrow it’s back to work for me. This morning my weigh in was 163.8, pounds an alarming new record low weight.
I meant to post at 200, but now it’s 210 days in a row I have been studying with Duolingo. I almost lost my streak once but found a way to earn Stars. (Once you run out of stars, they try to make you pay.) But by “practicing” lessons, you can earn Stars. Then you can complete a task in order to continue the streak.
My mother and sister fly out tomorrow. At first it seemed like 2 weeks was too long, but now it seems like 2 weeks is too short.
it’s another Monday, ugh. I slept ok, feel pretty good. I got a negative covid self-test this morning.(twice a week for work) and the weather is looking good for the next couple of days.
I’m thinking about getting the above mini shed, primarily to keep my lawnmower in. It won’t hold much else, but does have space for a few shelves. I think it would be pretty nice but it is smaller than what I had envisioned. What do you think?
it has been crazy windy for two days now. This morning the wind is warmer than it has been, so maybe calmness is in sight.
i dreamed last night I was a gangster in a shootout with other gangsters. It was a bloody dream. We were shooting wash other through the walls of a house, but I was up on a ladder so everyone was missing me. Not a pleasant dream.
Yesterday, again, I had an idea for today’s great post. The little voice said “you better write it down, you’ll forget.” The big voice replied “Not this time this one’s too good to forget!”
Well, guess what? The topic was so good it couldn’t be contained by the human mind. It is forgotten.
There was a really good rain this morning. I checked my ex- leaky, fixed-by-me, gutter and it seemed to be not leaking. So that’s good.
The news this morning said Facebook reported a decline in traffic and their stocks are down. People are leaving.Tomorrow is FRIDAY. I hope there’s good weather so I can go diving!
It’s really cold down here. Last night the temperature plummeted waaay down to the middle seventies. The weatherman says we have double cold fronts coming through, but on the map above I only see the Big One. I like maps like these. They are increasingly difficult to find.
Today is cloudy, cold and very windy. It is supposed to stay that way for the next few days.
I guess this is a post to about the weather. It wasn’t intended to be that, but I don’t know what it was intended to be when I started.
At least I think it is. It is very cold and windy, the sea seems cold now (82⁰). I’m pretty sure that we can’t have any more hurricanes this year in Cayman.
2021 Hurricanes
I finally discovered how to make the degrees icon, all you do is press and hold the 0 (zero). I always used to go find one on the Internet and then copy and paste.
The weather here continues to be very windy and a 100% cloudy. And cold, At least for the next few days, Enjoy having the AC off and the windows open.
Today is my 100th day in a row of Spanish on Duolingo. I’ve studied Spanish pretty continuously since high school. I’m still on a beginner level though.