I’m sitting in the same seat I was sitting in almost a week ago, posting on my blog again. I’m on my way back to Cayman Brac, this time just for the day. i am sure that our sound will be better than last time. pretty sure.

Dodged the bullet-for a while, or, "Beware the Ides Of March!"

My tooth broke, I went to the emergency dentist yesterday and he sent me to another dentist. He made a call and got me an appointment this morning, and I thought I was getting a root canal, what I got was an appointment for a root canal in the middle of March. I’ve never had a root canal before, and I can’t help but thinking of Shakespeare “Beware the Ides Of March!”

Back At Work

I had a good day off on Cayman Brac yesterday. We went to Peters cave, saw the OI Girls friends and had a good but busy day.
We came back this morning and went straight to work from the airport.

Heres a pic of a little kid who was sitting in front of me on the plane. He liked the taking off part best I think.

Cayman Brac Synagogue

went to see the Cayman Brac Synagogue and I attended a service there as well. It is very small and perfect for the Cayman Islands. It was a joy to see after hearing so much about it and not knowing where it was.
Heres a few pictures I took.

Big Time Screw Up

Yesterday, at the Agriculture Show, our sound sucked. I was using a cell phone to send the signal back to the station, and there was a problem with the equipment there, as well as a problem with the audio feed I was getting from the AgriShows stage.

There was a horrible distorted echo at the beginning, for the most important parts of the broadcast, the opening ceremoy and all the speeches by all the politicians.
My cell phone was ringng like crazy, everyong saying ” sounds like shit” I need to record this and it’s not gooe enough” “The other station sounds crystal clear”, and more.
Talk about stress and that sick-in-the-stomach feeling!
In my own defence, I was calling the studio for a solid half hour before and was getting no answer because the announcer was “out”. And although I can’t blame the announcer in any way, But because they were not answering the phone, I didn’t get to do a good sound check on the line from the stage that was giving problems.
It was really bad, that first half hour. The other three and a half, by comparison, weren’t too bad. 30899

Todays a day

I’m here, on the Brac, had a good productive day yesterday. I am looking for todays Agriculture show.
I’ve got pictures that have been on my camera that need to be transferred to my computer.
Yesterday, a picture that I didn’t get was one of a cat drinking out of the swimming pool. There are a couple of hotel cats here. It reminds me of the OI Girls cat, who I wish could be one of these hotel cats. I went looking for her three times and nover saw her. After the OI Girl moved in with me, her old neighbor had the same thing happen, their cat just disappeared. There must be a whole secret society of cats living over there in dogsville.
I still miss Tica the cat.


I sitting at the airport in Grand Cayman, getting ready to go to the Brac. I’m glad I’m glad I’m going. I’m working there today and tomorrow. The OI Girl is coming Sunday and we’re both coming back Monday morning. I think I said all this yesterday.

Wednesday of next week I’m going back to the Brac for the day.

Today is the OI Girls Birthday. I gave her a half a cup of coffee. And a necklace.

I’m pretty tired of those word verifications. A lot of times I know I get it right and it says I’m wrong. I think blogger has it wrong on their end. Someone has to match up those stupid letter pics with the text, ya know. I think that sometimes they can’t read it either.

Yesterday and Tomorrow

Yesterday I worked, first we broadcasted the 40th Annual Agricultural Show. I took my camera and took a lot of pics but I left my camera at home so I can’t show you the pics.

Then there was the National Championships Football Finals. We broadcast that and it made for a pretty full day. When I say football, I mean football, not American football, which is completely different.

Tomorrow morning I’m going to Cayman Brac for the weekend. (Work) then I’m coming back Monday, only to go back for the day on Wednesday.

I need to join the frequent flyer club!!

Text Twist

Have you ever played the game Text Twist? I have it on my cell phone and play it a lot. I was doing pretty good for a long time, it seemed I could always figure out the word. All of a sudden, I can’t. The word just doesn’t come to me. Like a piece of my brain went inactive. At the same time, the ability to study went away too. I got a 78% and a 76% on my last two tests. I can pretty much say good-bye to my decent average.
I gotta get my feet back on the ground.

Short but good

I worked Saturday, but it was fairly pleasant. We had a broadcast from East End and we took the long way back around when we were done. So we had a pretty nice island tour and it was OK
But Sunday seemed like Saturday and I’m ready for another day off.
Yesterday the OI Girl and I went to the beach and I didn’t wear a hat and my head is red and I have a sunburnt nose. Then in the evening it got cloucy and really cold, so cold it was warmer in the apartment than outside and we opened the windows and there was a good cool breeze blowing though. And it rained. I was out walking the dog and it started raining and I was pretty far from home and it was COLD! We ran back and got pretty wet. How come you can take a dog swimming and give him a rinse 0ff (with no soap) after the beach and he smells fine, but a dog that gets wet from rain smells like a wet dog?

Today is theOI girls first day at work. I’m pretty sure she’ll like her new job. I frikkin hope so!