Joke of the Day

There was this drunk guy in a crowded bar. This young woman came up to the bar to get a drink. She put her hand on the drunks chair and waved to the bartender for a drink. The drunk turned around and got an eyeful of the womans very hairy armpits. Turning around to the bar, he called to the bartender “Bartender! Bring this ballerina a drink!” The bartender brings her a drink, she disappears into the crowd.

A while later, the same woman comes back and waves to the bartender to get another drink. The same drunk turns around, and sees the womans hairy armpit right in his face.
“Bartender! Bring the ballerina another drink!”, yells the drunk.

The bartender brings the woman a drink, and off she goes, into the crowd. The bartender turns to the drunk “You come in here all the time, I know you’ve never seen that woman before. What makes you think she’s a ballerina?”

The drunk replied, “Anybody who can lift their leg that high, HAS to be a ballerina!”

Estudio Espanol

One of my New Years resolutions is to study Spanish. I have the Rosetta Stone CD. I’ve been getting up early and studying. What doesn’t impress me is that it doesn’t seem to remember where you were or what you’ve done, and the voice they play to speak Spanish is too fast and sounds like Mickey Mouse on helium, even at the slow speed. Also, when it records me, it cuts off the first half second of what I say, even though I wait for the beep. This means the beep has nothing to do with the recording, it activates when it hears my voice.
We’ll see how it goes.
Usually the mass marketed stuff is a disappointment.

First Work Day

It’s the first work day of 2010. UGH, help me get through.
Here it is very windy, cloudy and cold.
I had a good weekend. Planted some banana plants I found growing on the roadside. Bought some new bromelaids and meant to repot them but didn’t. They’ll be OK.
And spent some time with the wife too.


Today is Saturday, very windy, very cloudy, a good day to stay home.
I have my rebreather all put together though, just in case.
Here’s a pic of me holding a stingray, from the other day. I look a little squinty.

Happy 2010

It’s fun to type 2010.
I was going to upload a video from the party here last night, but I didn’t work. I waited and waited and it just kept uploading forever. Here’s some pics though!