When They Got Back from the Moon, Apollo 11 Astronauts Went through Customs

NASA has confirmed that Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins went through customs upon their return to Earth and the United States. They filled out the above form, declaring their travel itinerary and that they had brought back moon rocks, dust, and samples through the US border. They did not mention the whiskey smuggled inside Aldrin’s suitcase.
From Neat-O-Rama

Wasn’t going to post today

But then I figured awww, what the hey! Slap a few pictures up!
Black cat
White Cat
No Cat
Birch Berries
Tiny freakin flowers I took a hundred freakin pics of and only this freakin one was in freakin focus!
Do you know the difference between a school bus and a cactus?
With a cactus, all the little pricks are on the OUTSIDE!

Hope You have a Sunny Sun-Day!

Small Plane Lands in Ocean

The U.S. Coast Guard has rescued the pilot of a small plane who was forced to land in the Pacific Ocean after running out of fuel while flying from California…

Cool video, it’s a shame to waste a perfectly good plane like that. From AP.

Rant Worth Listening To

This is a video I saw on Facebook that more than one of my friends posted. There is a pretty good message in this 2 min 17 sec video. I like what he says, and I like how he says it!

One thing I never really thought about was the point this guy makes about the US debt to China. Pretty funny


Slept Late

I slept late

I woke up at 2:30, back to bed at 5, laid there wide awake, not tired.
Then I woke up at eight with a note from The Wife which said, among other things, that I was snoring!
Nah, I don’t snore!

Here it is raining, been raining for days. This is what happens at the end of hurricane season, then it moves away and becomes a tropical storm.

I don’t have anything to post about. I’m working on my second cup of coffee, which isn’t too good, I’ll be glad when this particular bag is gone.

Below is a picture of our 6 feral cats enjoying a late afternoon meal, from left to right is: Leroy, BTK, Al, Little One, Goldie and Shadow. Only Goldie and Shadow let us pet them.

Leroy is the one we thought got hit by a car, but it wasn’t him.

Amanda Knox

I have heard, like everybody else, about Amanda Knox being acquitted and freed and finally going home.

I looked for the smaller headlines, about Merideth Kerchers familys reaction.

It’s a pity for them, because now the killer is four years gone.

Very often, when there is a crime, the police would rather knowingly convict the wrong person and declare the case solved, than not solve the case.

When I was in the Navy, I got busted for pot. Somebody found pot in the bathroom and I got busted for it. It wasn’t mine.
There was a paper that listed my charges, and said I was aware of what I was being charged with and signing it was not an admission of guilt. After I signed, the cops (NIS Agents) applied a typed decal above my signature on the form, over the charges section, with different charges on it. I never DID get to read that paper I signed. The law enforcement processing me was totally corrupt and crooked. Looking back, I would have played my cards a whole lot differently. At that time I just wanted to put it behind me and not get kicked out of the Navy.
Nobody ever cared or found out whose pot it really was in the bathroom.

So, I don’t really trust the police. Many times I think they’re crookeder that the crooks. I believe they can seldom make a conviction without breaking the law themselves.

And I don’t trust the media, especially the US news agencies. They just want ratings and to make money.

I don’t think anybody can figure out what happened in the Amanda Knox case by reading the news on the internet. Maybe she did it, and the cops got busted in court for using illegal tactics in the arrest/investigation. Or the cops knew she didn’t do it all along and let the real killer slip away while they tried to make an easy bust.

That’s my take on it.

hind lick maneuver

Two hillbillies are having lunch in a restaurant when a large breasted, gorgeous woman seated nearby begins to choke.

Hillbilly #1 asks her,”kin ya swallar?”

The woman shakes her head no.

Hillbilly #2 asks her “kin ya breathe?”

Woman shakes her head no.

Hillbilly #1 walks over, lifts up her dress, yanks down her britches and licks her butt cheek.

The woman is so surprised and shocked that she has a violent spasm and spits out the food stuck in her throat.

Hillbilly #2 says “ya know, I aint niver seed nobody do that before, but I heerd of that there hind lick maneuver.”

Free Downloadable SCUBA logbook page for Inspiration Rebreather

This is a custom logbook page I made for the Inspiration Closed Circuit Rebreather. Please feel free to download it and use it. It is good for other types of rebreathers and can be used for open circuit dives too.

Click on the image to see the original, then right click and choose Save As…

I check the ‘New Scrubber’ box for the first dive with a new scrubber, and I blacken in the bar to the right of the New Scrubber’ box to show what my temp stick indicated at the end of a dive.

I print several copies, making it fit on a standard sheet of paper, turn the sheets over in the printer to print on both sides, then use a hole punch and keep my log in a 3 ring binder. Periodically, I take filled log pages out and staple them and store them with my other dive logs.

I hope you enjoy this and would like your comments about this logbook page. If you want the original email me and I’ll send it to you.

Here’s a sample, I usually write more of a description and fill in all the blanks.